(S-1Ep-1) The Drugs Bust

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And sooner than you originally thought, you were back at 221B again. All of you stumbled into the lobby (you could call it), breathing heavily. You excused yourself for a minute and went back outside quickly. Away from sight you pulled out a smooth, plastic container; an inhaler. You took two puffs and discretely put it away where, hopefully, nobody would find it on your person. You quickly joined the other two almost as quick as you left them.

Sherlock had draped his jacket on the banister as you crept in, lungs considerably looser than before. "Okay, that was ridiculous." You said, leaning against the wall the same time John and Sherlock did.
"That was the most ridiculous thing I've ever done."
"And you invaded Afghanistan." Everyone giggled.
"That wasn't just me." John pointed out.
"Oh, John. Always so humble." You teased, earning a chuckle from Sherlock.
"Why aren't we back at the restaurant?" He asked.
Sherlock waved his hand dismissively. "Oh, they can keep an eye out. It was a long shot anyway."
Your eyebrows furrowed. "So... What were we doing there?"
Sherlock cleared his throat. "Oh, just passing the time." He stared at John. "And proving a point."
"What point?" John queried.
"You. Mrs Hudson! Doctor Watson will take the room upstairs!" Sherlock yelled towards Mrs Hudson's flat.
"Says who?" John asked pointedly.
Sherlock looked past you both, straight at the front door. "Says the man at the door." Then came three knocks. John looked past your head before turning back to Sherlock in surprise. In response, Sherlock smiled.

John walked past you along the hall to open the door while you and Sherlock let out a breath in unison. You heard the door open. "Sherlock texted me," you knew who it was almost instantly. Angelo. "He said you forgot this." He held up a metal stick. John's cane. Although you could only see the back of John's head, you could tell he was surprised.
"Ah," he breathed, turning around briefly to face a grinning Sherlock. "Er, thank you. Thank you." He shut the door and came up behind you just as Mrs Hudson scurried out of her flat, sounding distressed and hurt.

"Oh Sherlock, what have you done?"
"Mrs Hudson?" Sherlock seemed confused.
"Upstairs," she replied. Y/D/N came trotting out of her flat, nudging your hand. You stroked her/his head.

Sherlock ran up the stairs, you, Y/D/N and John following. Sherlock went through the main living room door and found Lestrade sitting in his armchair. Police officers were sifting through his things. "What are you doing?!" Sherlock demanded.
"Well, I knew you'd find the case. I'm not stupid," Lestrade replied.
"You can't just break into my flat!" He argued.
"And you can't withhold evidence. And I didn't break into your flat."
"Well what do you call this then?" You crossed your arms.
Lestrade looked around before staring at you innocently. "It's a drugs bust." Your jaw dropped. "Seriously?!" You exclaimed. "This guy, a junkie?! Have you met him?"
Sherlock stepped over to you. "Y/N," he warned.
Unfortunately, you carried on. "I'm pretty sure you could search this flat all day, you wouldn't find anything you could call recreational!"
"Y/N you probably want to shut up now."
"Yeah, but come on..." You and Sherlock locked gazes and stood there for a long moment, just... Staring. You looked at the features on his face and realised how serious he seemed.
"No." You breathed in disbelief.
"What?" Sherlock asked.
"Shut up!" He exclaimed angrily. He looked at Lestrade again. "I'm not your sniffer dog."
"No, Anderson's my sniffer dog," he nodded towards the kitchen.
"What, An..." He trailed off, watching as the closed doors to the kitchen opened and revealed more officers searching through Sherlock's things. Anderson turned to look at you and raised his hand in a very sarcastic greeting.

"Anderson, what are you doing here on a drugs bust?" Sherlock exclaimed, anger growing.
"Oh, I volunteered," he spat back just as venomously.

Sherlock turned again, biting his lip angrily. "They all did," Lestrade explained. "They're not strictly speaking on the drugs squad, but they're very keen."

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