Chapter 1 ~ Juliet

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Song of the chapter: Drunk by Ed Sheeran

Chapter 1 ~ Juliet ~

I groaned walking up to the next person waiting for a re-fill of beer. To be honest, I hate working in a bar. I mean, a lot of cute guys come in and all that, but when everyone's drunk, it's really creepy and annoying.

"More beer?" I asked in an annoyed tone. The weirdo just nodded shakily and held out his glass. I rolled my eyes, and took the mug to get filled with the toxic liquid.

After filling it, I walked back to the drunk freak, to give him his drink. "That ought to be your last for tonight, sir." I smirked making my way over to the cash register. "That'll be £79.64 by the way." He just glared at me, before slapping the money down on the counter. Quite hard, might I add.

"Have a nice night!" I yelled after him, shaking my head right after. That guy really needs to cut down on his drinks. I wouldn't be surprised if he was in the news tomorrow for drunk driving.

Another guy walked up to the bar and sat down. I mentally groaned. I better be getting a good pay check. Why I even volunteered for this job? Well I really didn't. l was walking by and the idiot in charge grabbed me, so here I am. Hating every second. No biggy right? Of coarse my dad doesn't know that I work here. He thinks I work a harmless restaurant. If he knew, I'm pretty sure he would kill my manager.

"Hey, can I help you?" I asked as polite as I could. "Get me a drink." He said sounding almost out of breath. "What kind?" I asked. "Anything strong." He responded, putting his head in his hands. I raised an eyebrow noticing he wasn't an adult. "You're a bit young... say you aren't even drinking age, are you?" I asked leaning on the counter. He just looked up at me silent, before slightly shaking his head.

"God forgive me." I mumbled, before heading to get some liquor. What? I might loose my job, but who cares! I just can't help it. The kid may be under age, but he looks so broken. I grabbed a bottle and two cups, in case he wanted to talk.

As I came back towards him, I couldn't help but notice a small smile on his face. "Don't tell my boss." I warned. He nodding quickly, and started on his strong drink.

"Listen, I shouldn't have given you that. Use it wisely, and don't do anything foolish like dumb teenagers these days. I couldn't help but notice you look a little down, care to explain?" I questioned coming around from behind the bar.

He shook his head slightly before quietly stating, "Nothing you could understand." And just like that, he put down his drink, wincing.

"Too strong?" I questioned smirking. "No, it feels good." He reassured me, or uh tried to. "Yeah, okay And what's this about me not understanding?" I asked him throwing in a glare.

"Ugh, it's just, well... let's sit down." He said leading me over to an empty table. "Okay, so maybe I should start from the beginning. Do you even know who I am?" He asked me with a get-a-clue look. I sipped my own drink before answering. "Dude, I really don't give a crap, for who's at the top of the charts." I explained taking another drink of liquor. He nodded with a little smile. "Well, my name is Harry Styles, I'm in a boy band named one direction, I auditioned for x factor when I was 16, my twitter username is Harry_Styles, I have an insta-" "Are we going to get to the point or not?" I interrupted him. Fact: Juliet Connors has an attitude.

He looked at me annoyed, but I honestly don't care if I came off as rude. I mean I work at a bar, what did he expect? I smirked in response to his glare, but he just sighed and continued. "I was getting to the point! Anyway, today especially I have been getting hate, and a lot of it. I mean, why do they hate me? What did I do to them? I don't have any excuses in their eyes, so tweeting otherwise will do nothing. I feel powerless over them!" He yelled. "That's because in your state you are, duh." I said flipping my hair to the side. "I was kind of hoping for something some words of wisdom?" He asked giving me another glare. "Okay, you want some, you'll get some. Glare guy." I mumbled. "Everybody looses it, everybody wants to throw it all away sometimes. I know what you're going through. Don't let it get the best of you, you'll make it out alive." I said winking at the end.

"People like us by Kelly Clarkson." Harry stated. I just nodded smiling. Good, this guy knows his music. "So," I said awkwardly. "did that work as your much needed words of wisdom?" He smirked back at me and nodded. "It did. Say, you're smart. Where did you come up with something like that?" He questioned. I shrugged. "Don't know, don't care. My shift is ending soon, and glory to god I can leave this chamber of hell."

"Don't like your job?" He asked. "No, it's rainbows and unicorns." I said sarcastically. "Sassy." He pointed out, winking. "Oh, like you didn't notice before." I rolled my eyes.

I found myself scanning the room, as more and more people came in. "Crud." I mumbled, walking away from the table. "Hey! Where are you going?" Harry called standing up. "Some of us have a job to do, superstar." I said as I started whipping off the bar.

I could feel his glare on me, and I honestly didn't care. "I'm not like your personal councillor. I'm just here to do my job, and listen to some sick minded freaks tell me their heart is broken." I rolled my eyes as I spoke. Ugh that Harry dude was so annoying.

"Well, if you care that little, I"ll be on my way." He said, almost looking hurt. "Whatever. Just don't forget to pay." I responded, not even making eye contact.

He slapped a bunch of money on the counter, before walking away in anger. I smirked. That's how they always leave.

My eyebrows scrunched together as I looked through the money. Oh god, he did not.

I pulled out a small folded piece of paper from the bills, and slowly unfolded it to find a number scribbled there. Well, wasn't my first guess, but who could blame him? I'm freaking awesome!


I opened the door to my house, to find my dad still up drinking coffee by the fire place.

"Hey dad. Sorry for being late again. Work is so busy this time of year." I apologized.

"Do you realize it's after midnight?" He said, raising his voice and standing up.

Ever since my mother moved out seven years ago, my father has been extremely protective. It's almost unreal.

"I'm sorry okay? If I could have I would've been here a while ago! They just needed my amazing talent." I boasted flipping my hair. He sighed, pulling me into an embrace. He then, lightly pressed a kiss on my forehead.

"I forgive you. But try to come home a bit earlier next time, if you can." My dad said forgiving me.

"You got it, old man." I smirked and headed up stairs, dialling my best friend, Kelly's, number.

I shut my bedroom door, and quickly filled her in on the sensitive idiot who thought he'd get my pity.

"He said his name was Harry. I'm not sure what his problem was though. I mean, he thought I would pity him; just because he deals with hate. That's pathetic."

"He must've had no idea, just who he was dealing with." She agreed. "But, I don't get why he left his number. If he was so annoyed with me, why would he want me to call him? Ugh, this dude really doesn't know who he's dealing with." I rambled smirked.

"Oh, he's in for it." I heard Kelly say. And by god, that girl was right. Harry's definitely in for it.


Well, in all honesty I'm quite proud of this chapter. I worked on it for a while, just wanting it to be perfect for you all! Also, a huge thank you to everyone who reads this. I love you all to pieces! :D

On with the updating schedule... I plan to update annually on Fridays. If I don't, my apologies for being busy. I'm sorry if there's any spelling mistakes that I did not catch; I will try to do better. Also, Ed Sheeran's Drunk video, is on the side. I think it goes with the chapter. That being said, please comment and vote! Next chapter's dedication will go to a commenter. I love you!

Ann, xx

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