Chapter 2 ~ Harry

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Song of the chapter: Brokehearted by Karmin

Chapter 2 ~ Harry

The moment I walk out of the bar, the paps are everywhere. God, where do they get their info? Do they like stalk every celebrity? I hope not.

I started to push my way through the crowd, when something caught my eye. The girl from earlier was staring at me through a bar window. Catching my gaze, she rolled her eyes, and gave me a what-the-heck look. I noticed that pictures were being taken all around, bringing me back to reality.

Why are you here, Harry?

Are you meeting someone?

Did get drunk?

I muttered some colorful words and continued to walk through the mob, it being harder without my band mates, but possible.

I wonder why the girl didn't say her name.. I mean she seemed extremely annoyed by me, but she lifted my spirits in a way. I have no idea how she did it, but I thought she had an interesting attitude.

And using Kelly Clarkson lyrics, I mean where does something like that come from? Even she didn't know! I was so lost in everything about her that I forgot to ask for her name. She is incredibly infuriating though, I'm not sure why she's so rough and distent to me. I wonder if I did something, or if she treats everyone like that.

I finally reached the end of the mob - much to my surprise - and drove myself back to the flat I call home.


"Mind telling me, just where the places you've been for the past two hours!?" Louis' yell brings me to reality. I'm not even sure how I made it home in one piece - seeing I was a tad tipsy and distracted - causing me to not focus as well.

"Sorry lou, I was out..." I trailed off.

"You do realize it's past midnight, right?" He said, worry all over his features.

"I'm sorry ok! I just get carried away at the bar-" "You were at the bar." Louis stated cutting me off.

"That means you were reading hate." He looked at me with sympathy.

I sighed, nodding. "They say such terrible things, I just can't help myself. Plus, when someone's there to lift your spirits, it's worth it." I stated, slightly smiling.

He rose an eyebrow, looking confused. "Come again?"

I kept my small smile. "I met someone, tonight. Now as weird as it is, I don't know her name.." I said a bit nervous.

"Smooth." Lou said sarcastically. "You don't know, or you forget?" I just rolled my eyes and headed for my room.


Please call, please call, please call. I chanted in my head. It had been five whole days since I met 'the girl with no name' and gave her my number. I wanted her to call me quite badly, you don't even know the half of it.

I'm not sure what about her attracted me. I mean, she practically hates me, aside from the fact that I gave her a huge tip, of coarse. I just wish there was someway to see her again.

I might as well go back to the bar, or chamber of hell, as she calls it, and see if it's her shift. Why she's so rude to me? I will most likely never know, if things go like they did last time.

We are off all this week, which is like heaven for me. I have been cutting back at reading hate, but I still do. Even in my depressed state I will listen to People like us, remembering her words inspiring every time I do.

Everybody loses it, everybody wants to throw it all away sometimes.

I know what you're going through, don't let it get the best of you, you'll make it out alive.

It semi-haunts me, to think that she has something like hate going on in her life. Yep, I've made my choice. I'm going to the bar.


I took a few of my loyal security guards along, not wanting to go through like last time, alone.

The car stopped and I got out probably too soon. People literally came from all directions. Fans, teenagers, paps, the whole nine yards! And to think I thought this wasn't a busy street....

With the help of the guards, I was finally able to get myself inside.

I was almost shaking at the fact that I was doing something as risky as this.

what if she's not here?

what if it's not her shift?

What if she completely ignores me?

Ugh, I can not believe I'm actually having this argument with myself. I slowly and carefully made my way over to the bar, in search of 'her'.

My heart sunk as I looked at the bar. She wasn't there. Coming here was a waste, and I knew it all along. She probably doesn't even want to come back.

I turned on my heal and headed towards the exit. Why did I think I was so smart to try and meet her again. It wasn't meant to be, she hates me, and fate didn't even let us meet again. She was just another eye catcher.

But her long brown waves and beautiful chocolate eyes were so attracting... I couldn't help myself..

I walked out the door, and crashed into someone. Cameras were flashing in every direction again, catching my every move. But my mood completely changed when I looked down.

"Oh my God I'm sor- Oh it's you." She said glaring up at me.

"Hello again, love." I smirked at her.

"My name isn't love." She spat back me, in front of all the cameras.

"Then what is it?" I breathed, maybe I would finally get her name.

"Juliet. Now if you'll excuse me," She said squeezing through me and the guards. "I'll be in here doing my job, superstar." She said, winking.


God, I sound like Shakespeare. Well, I now know her name - which only fuels my interest.

I don't really care that the paps, fans, and God knows who else, are here. I'm only proud to finally know her name - Juliet


Well.... You can admit it. I'm pretty much the worst author at the moment. I. Am. So. Sorry. If it's not already obvious, I can't have an update sschedule. I'm just too busy :(

Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to @Alexandra_Smith, cause she's an amazing friend and commented on chapter 1 :D Love you

Song of the chapter is - brokenhearted by Karmin, because it fits. Sooooo as always, comment, vote, and fan! I love anyone who reads this <3

Ann, xx

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