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steven schneider: i'm honestly going to miss you guys so much

steven schneider: we've all been through so much together it didn't sit right when tyler and josh left and it doesn't sit right now that i'm leaving

daddy urie: steven you're gonna make me cry stop it

max markowitz: have you left yet?

steven schneider: we're packing the car

max markowitz: i'll be there in two minutes don't leave without kissing me goodbye

steven schneider: of course i won't leave without kissing you goodbye you nart

mel mart: i know it's a sad moodie moment rn but you guys are destROYING ME

ross the boss: brendon's gonna fall off his bed if you guys get any cuter

max markowitz: /image attached (image is max and hoodie hugging each other really tightly)

ross the boss: update: brendon fell off his bed

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