Chapter 9 - Now I've Been Losing Everything

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Ryder had been settled in with Andrew and Jill for two days now. She felt so bad about having to be there. With Noah's terrible fits, she knew that she was annoying them. She was a burden. Even though they said it was fine, they had to find a new place to stay. She couldn't keep doing this to them.

Today she was planning on meeting with Nate at a park near the apartment. He had asked if he could see Noah and she agreed. She hoped he was getting back on track.

"What time is your meeting with Nate?" Andrew asked.

"I'm going to leave in just a few minutes. Do you you think we will be okay?" Ryder asked softly.

"I think the love between you is strong. Life is not easy. It's going to be ups and downs. There are good times and bad times. Sometimes you will hit rock bottom but you have nowhere to go but up. I have seen you both fight for your love and you both made it. I have all the faith in the world that you two will make it through this little bump in the road." Andrew said. He was completely serious. 

"Thanks Andrew. It's nice to know that there are people rooting for us. Believing in us." She smiled. "I better get going. Wish me the best." She packed up the diaper bag and put Noah in his stroller. 

"Good luck. Remember what I said." He hugged her.

"I will." She smiled and headed out.

Nate was on the couch of the apartment. It was a mess at the place. Even he looked a mess. He was drinking the whiskey straight out of the bottle. He had been drinking since he woke up, still drunk from the night before. It's all he wanted to do these days. He was a mess without Ryder and Noah. 

He had been doing a lot of writing. The songs he was working on were raw, full of emotions. Fueled by anger and depression and alcohol. They were the most honest lyrics he had ever written. He looked at the clock. He had something to do today. He couldn't remember what it was. So he decided to drink. Maybe it would come back to him...

Ryder waited on the park bench, the one right by the big fountain. Her and Nate used to have little dates here. She had tears in her eyes as she waited, feeling so depressed. What did this mean? Was he through with their marriage? With being a father to Noah? What would she do without him? Noah needed a daddy.

After another half hour, she decided to give up and she headed back to Andrew's, tears falling down her cheek. She could have texted him. She could have called and asked him where he was...but she shouldn't have to. He was a grown man, capable of making his own choices. Maybe this was more serious than she thought. 

As she walked into the house, Andrew noticed her tears. "Ryder what happened! You're crying!" He said walking over to her.

"Nate never showed up. I waited two hours and he never came. Never called or texted me. marriage is over." She broke down crying.

This was the last straw for Andrew and he felt himself filling with anger. With each sob he heard come from his sister, the sister he would do anything for, he filled with more rage. 

"Ryder, your marriage is not over. I'm going to make sure of it." He grabbed his jacket and his keys.

"Andrew what are you doing Where are you going?" Ryder asked as she picked up Noah.

"Don't worry about it. You just stay here. Promise me you will stay here?" Andrew said. Ryder saw a fire in his eyes and she nodded. She was scared. She had never seen Andrew this mad before. He kissed the top of Noah's head and walked out.

Nate was laying on the floor in the living room, photos littered the floor. Photos of him and Ryder and a few of Noah. The few drops of the whiskey that remained in the bottle dripped on one of them. He was so drunk. Almost too drunk to even be conscious. Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door. He groaned loudly.

"Go away!" He yelled.

Suddenly the door burst open and an angry Andrew walked into the apartment. Nate didn't even move, just looked up and groaned when he saw him. Andrew walked to him and picked him up by his shirt and pushed him against the wall.

"Listen up Nate. Because I am only going to say this once. I don't know what the fuck has gotten into you, but you better get it fucking figured out. My baby sister is at home, crying her eyes out because you missed a park date with her. Jesus fucking Christ man, you have responsibilities now! What the fuck are you doing?" He grabbed a photo of Ryder, Nate and Noah. Their first family photo from the hospital. "Is this what you want? To be an amazing husband and a loving father? Or do you want to be a worthless drunk who lost it all?" He looked at him seriously.

"I family." He said softly.

"Then fucking stop acting like a child and get your shit together. Get your head out of your ass and man up! You want those things, you have to earn those things. Don't make me come back here again. Next time I won't be as calm..." He let go of his shirt and walked out, slamming the door.

Nate was in absolute shock. He had never ever seen Andrew like that. He couldn't even remember the last time he heard Andrew say the f word. He slid down the wall and sat on the floor, pulling his knees to his chest. 

Could he save this marriage or had he let it all go and now there was no hope. It didn't matter. 

He was still going to fight. 

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