Chapter 4 - See the Beauty in Every Inch

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Ryder was ready to be done with this pregnancy. It was a hot September and so far it was a hot October. Of course it would be when she was pregnant. Nate kept the apartment nice and cool for her and he did what he could to make her comfortable, including rubbing her feet and back every night until she fell asleep. 

Today they both decided to do nothing. Ryder was laying in bed, looking and her big belly. It was honestly all she did. She was due in one month and she's was still amazed that there was something living in there. A little person that was the perfect mix of her and Nate and in just a few weeks she's would be able to meet him. Nate walked in that room and crawled into bed with her.   

"Can we take a nap? I've been craving a nap." Nate asked, kissing her shoulder.   

"You read my mind. He finally stopped moving so now I feel like I can get some sleep."   

"I'm so sorry he is keeping you up baby. This will all be over soon and you will be able to unload some it on to me." Nate rubbed her belly.   

"I am counting down the days, trust me." she said smiling. She closed her eyes and let sleep hit her.   

It was storming when she woke up and it was a loud thunder clap that woke her up. As she watched the rain trickle down the window, she started to feel wetness in her bed.   "Great." she thought. "A leak in the roof is just what we need right now." But when she looked up at the ceiling, there was no leak. Her water had broke. Right there in the bed. She stared in disbelief. It couldn't be. She still had a month. He needed to cook a little longer. They hadn't even picked a name yet. She was sure she was dreaming until the contraction hit her. It was by far the worst pain she had ever felt and without thinking she let out a loud groan which woke Nate up quickly.   

"Baby are you okay?" he asked,  concerned.   

"Nate my water broke. I'm having contractions. We need to go to the hospital."  

This was almost too much for Nate to hear. They still hadn't come up with a plan in case this had happened. No bags we're packed, nothing was prepared. Apparently, Ryder was going to have to keep her head on straight since he couldn't.   

"Nate focus. Pack a bag. Just what we need. Ve and Jack can run over here and bring us more if we need it. Then load it in the car. Got it?"  

"Yeah. Can you get up? Do you need help?"   

"No baby. Just work on the bags and the car. Okay?"  

Nate nodded and got to work. Her couldn't believe how well she was handling it and how badly he was. He threw some clothes in the suitcase and headed to the car to pack it up. Ryder grabbed their phones, chargers and of course her camera, changed her clothes and met Nate by the front door.   

The drive to their hospital was a blur for both of them and it seemed like they were there quick. Nate rushed her inside, he was a nervous wreck. He thought it would be so easy. Go to the hospital and feel excitment that he was finally coming but it was the opposite. As of right now, he had no name. The crib was put together, but it had no bedding in it yet. Just the frame and throw mattress. Ryder had been all over him about it, but he figured he had plenty of time.   

Once Ryder was settled in, it was a waiting game. Nate called everyone while Ryder rested and soon Veronica was up there. Andrew and Jack were waiting outside.  

Even though her water had broke, she wasn't dialated much. The doctor told them it could be hours before they had a baby or it could be less than an hour. Right now they just had to wait.   

Hours passed by like years. For awhile Ryder slept. Then Nate would sleep. At one point they slept together. She had progressed a lot but stopped right before she was far enough along to push which was so frustrating. Ryder sat in the bed, Nate holding her hand tightly. She was getting so down on herself. For some reason she felt like her body wasn't allowing her to progress anymore. They had been on walks and it had been almost twelve hours. The last thing she wanted was a c-section.   

"Jack said he's live tweeting your birth" Veronica said chuckling. "He's pretty excited!"   

Veronica expected a laugh from Ryder, but instead she started to cry.   

"Why can't I do this? He should have been here by now."  

"Baby there is nothing you can do. We just have to be patient. Why don't you lay back and I'll rub your feet. You can sleep a little." Nate said. He wished there was more he could do. It was clear from the look on her face how much pain she was feeling.   

"No I don't want to sleep. I want to push. I want him to be here." she wiped her eyes and laid back.   

Another two hours passed.

Ryder finally fell asleep again. Nate wiped his eyes sleepily.   

"Did you guys decide on a name?" Veronica asked.   

"Yeah but we are keeping it a secret until he gets here. We decided when you went out to the waiting room to spend time with Jack." He smiled, but it looked forced.  

"How are you feeling right now, Nate?"  

"Worthless. I can't do anything to help her. I can't takes her pain away. I can make him get here faster." he said, sighing.   

A little while later, the doctor walked in and checked Ryder. Finally, after seventeen hours of waiting, it was time to push. Now they were even closer to meeting their son. Nate held Ryder's hand tightly and coached her through it, using his free hand to rub her back and giving her as many forehead kisses as he could.  

The room was silent for a moment. Not a word from anyone. No coaching, not screaming, no doctors. Just silence. Finally, a cry broke the silence. It was weak, and high pitched. As soon as Ryder heard it, she lost it   

There he was. The son they had patiently waited for. Right in front of her. They cleaned him up quickly and laid him on Ryder's chest.   

He was a perfect mix of both of them. He was so small and felt like he weighed nothing. Ryder has no idea she could fall in love so fast but she did. Even Nate was crying as he kissed Ryder, so proud of what she had done.   

"Do we have a name for this handsome little guy?" the doctor asked.   

"Noah. Noah Jameson." Ryder smiled and kissed him gently.   

Noah Jameson, despite being a month early, was perfectly healthy. Six pounds, one ounce. Ten fingers and ten toes. He cried for about thirty seconds and then was done. He was absolutely perfect.   

Even though everyone was anxious to meet him, they gave Nate and Ryder a little alone time with him. They had moved Ryder to a real room and Nate was laying in the bed with her, holding Noah.   

"This moment couldn't get anymore perfect." Ryder said, playing with Noah's little hands.  

"I agree. This is probably the happiest moment of my life. Now I know how Andrew felt." He said smiling.   Nate kissed Ryder and then kissed Noah softly on his head.   

Finally, they had their little family.  

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