Chapter 1 : "Juvenile Mother"

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At exactly 6:00 in the afternoon, I heard the front door unlock then slam close from my bedroom upstairs.

Mom was home.

The clicking of her high heels on the marble floor confirmed my assumptions.

"Raine! Darling, you home?" My mom's gentle yet firm voice echoed throughout the house.

Duh! Where else would I be?

"Yeah! I'm coming!" I shouted back, then quickly finish working out the last question on my math homework.

The thing about Mom is that she expects me to greet her at the door every day, then she asks how my day was and as soon as I answer she starts talking about herself. It's all she talks about.

It's either 'I got my hair done again' or 'I think my manicure turned out wonderful today' or 'I'm really enjoying yoga classes' so when I got downstairs and found my mom in the kitchen I leaned on the wall just waiting for the daily routine.

She looked up from her iPhone X and grinned. "Sooo.... How was your day today? Finally, lose your virginity?"

I rolled my eyes playfully. My mom was probably the most un-mother-like and self-centered person in the world. Yet, I couldn't help but love her.

"My day was fine and as a matter of fact yes, I lost my virginity with Ivan." I couldn't help but blush a bit.

Was I lying? No. Was she going to believe me? Probably not. She's used to me being sarcastic.

Her grin got bigger. "Finally! I was starting to get worried. Seventeen and a half and still a virgin, but finally! No longer a virgin!"

My mom lost her virginity three days after turning thirteen and got pregnant that same time; I should be worried.

"Anyways, guess what! Today I beat my 'How-many-shoes-can-I-buy-in-one-day' record!" She squealed, clearly overjoyed.

I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach. Dad was going to be pissed and I honestly really hated  listening to my parents fight, but I didn't let my sudden anger towards her show. Dad had worked his ass off to make it through college and get a great-paying job (no, he's not a drug dealer). He didn't run away from responsibility and did everything to make us happy, but mom just didn't know how to appreciate it.

"Number?" I asked trying to seem intrigued while sneaking a look at the kitchen clock. 6:12.

Please, Mom, hurry up so I can finish all my homework.

"Forty-six! I think I'll be needing a bigger walk-in closet!" She announced, still with that girly tone in her voice.

My mom got pregnant and married at a young age. That's obvious. She'd just turned 31 a few days ago. So I guess she was enjoying her life now more because of all the years she spent breastfeeding me and teaching me how to walk and all that. So in a way, I couldn't blame her. But still.

"Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I really have to finish homework and then I have to-"

She interrupted me, like always. "Okay, okay. Just make sure not to touch your face while working with pencils. You know- Oh! I just remembered!"

She even interrupted herself.

"I made a new friend at Yoga and she's coming over to dinner at 8:00. She's bringing along her daughter who I believe is your age! Isn't that great?" She asked standing up to get a snack. (Which was always healthy and organic.)

I nodded, "Sure, I guess?"

Great. I thought socializing was over for today.

"Her name is Maple and I feel you two will get along just fantastically! I think she's bringing her boyfriend so why don't you call Ivan?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me. "If you guys become friends then you could go on a double date. Wouldn't that be the cutest thing ever? Think of all the adorable pictures you could take!"

I managed a weak smile, "I'll get ready as soon as I finish homework." Then I sprinted away. Up the stairs, into my room, and under my covers.

My mom never ate dinner with me but she could if she had a friend with her? How can you invite guests over for dinner if you can't even have dinner with your own family?

- End of Chapter One -

Hello, all you lovely readers!
I hope you're enjoying the book so far! An update will come soon, and I will also soon choose faceclaims for the characters!


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