Chapter 10 : "Friendzoned"

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"Where do you wanna go today?" Raine asked as I connected my phone to the aux cord.

We had been going out every weekend ever since I went over to her house for dinner along with my mom and Colton.

We had gone to the movies, the skating rink, and the beach. The more I got to spend time with her, the more I forgot about how Colton no longer texted first and refused to kiss me on the lips.

The thought made me feel sad as I didn't want to lose him, he was such a caring and understanding person. The fact that I have known him for the past seven years allowed me to be myself around him but recently he seemed to be drifting away from me like an iceberg.

I couldn't deny my attraction for Raine but I couldn't be completely certain if it was friendly or romantic. Besides, I could not run the risk telling her how I felt only to find out she did not think of me in any way other than a friend. Not to mention there's no way I could relive an old experience where I was called out for being a lesbian. Either way, I wasn't gonna break up with Colton simply because I got butterflies for someone else. I'm sure this type of thing happened to other people.

"I don't really care," I responded smiling at her. "I'm just glad you were able to sneak out so we could hang out for the fourth time this month."

She turned to smile at me then looked back at the road. "Shoot!"

There was a sudden movement and my back bumped against the seat. "I swear I need to start driving. You're going to get us killed. You're supposed to slow down or stop at a yellow light, not accelerate!"

Her laugh filled the car and my heart betrayed me, racing as if I was in love with this girl or something.

"Calm down. I'm not a bad driver, it was your fault I got distracted," she said teasingly as she reached out to poke me with her right hand.

"Both hands on the wheel!" I exclaimed, slapping her hand away playfully. "Besides, it's not my fault. Can't you multitask? You know, talk to me and watch where you're going?"

"I can... but I prefer to stare at breathtakingly beautiful people for as long as I can."

That was bold and it gave me the courage to respond with something just as witty. "Strange because I don't see you looking at yourself in the rearview mirror."


It took everything in me not to argue with her and insist that she was the most breathtakingly beautiful person in this car- and this universe. "The reason I don't do that is because I would break the rearview mirror."

She laughed melodiously, reaching out and giving me a playful shove. "Don't say that! We're both beautiful."

I grinned widely. "Okay, okay. Now are you going to play some music or what?"

"I would but we haven't even decided where to go," she responded sarcastically.

I had completely forgotten about that. I focused on my surroundings and realized I had just been driving in circles the whole time. My eyes might've been somewhat concentrated on the road but my mind was elsewhere.

U-turn, drive, U-turn, drive, U-turn....

"How about some ice-cream?" I suggested, eager to sit down with her and give her my full attention.

Put your lips close to mine, as long as they don't touch ...

Taylor Swift's Treacherous began playing and she looked over at me with those precious caramel brown eyes. "Perfect," she responded with her adorable dimpled smile.

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