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Sushi was basically me third wheeling Fran and Niall which sucked. I loved both of them to death but when the two couldn't stop making googly eyes at each other, all I wanted to do was throw a piece of bread at their faces.

The game of love and I were at war and I wasn't ready for the whole third wheeling thing yet.

Yes, I was all for them dating or whatever because they were both my friends and I wanted the best for them.

All throughout dinner, Niall was checking his phone like crazy. I started to suspect he was planning something or someone was in a freaking coma and he needed updates. It wasn't until a long brown haired british man walked inside the restaurant did I understand what he was planning.

Harry looked all around the dimly lit sushi bar, searching for the three people he actually knew, scanning every face till he landed on mine. His heavy step carried him towards our table, eyes locked on me a needing sparkle glimmering inside them.

"Hi, Harry." Niall greeted his friend.

"Rachel," Harry interjected, never acknowledging poor Ni, "can we talk for a second?"

"Do I have a choice?" I questioned, folding my arms across my chest.

"Yes, but I'd really like to speak with you."

Without saying a word I stood up, grabbed my bag, and stalked out of the restaurant. The night sky was starting to turn into the deepest shade of blue known and the hustle of the night crowds were beginning. When I was a few feet away from the restaurant entrance I spun around, ready to face whatever he was planning.

"You can't just go wherever you want and interrupt things you have no right to be at Harry. I don't barge into a restaurant you're at and take you away from your friends." I accused, never loosing eye contact with his beautiful deep green eyes. Harry's hair was all messy on top his head, the same clothes he had on earlier in rehearsals now semi-wrinkled.

He stood there, taking in everything I was rambling on about, hands stuck in his jean pockets. "Niall is my friend," Harry whispered as if he was afraid any volume higher than a measly whisper would scare me off.

"Still, I was out with him so whatever you have to say better be good because the last time I tried to apologize all I got was a 'no' to our friendship. the hatred is mutual as of right now." My arms folded across my chest in an angry manner, and my hip pushed out to the side, attitude flaring in every and all direction.

Harry's nostrils flared, eyes darkening into a shade of green that was foreign to me since I met him months ago, trapped in an elevator. The wheels inside his head must have been working over time because he shook his head violently as if he was ridding the response he originally planned.

"Come with me." He didn't wait for a reply---instead he grabbed my wrist, tugging me behind him.

All my protests were rejected as we walked towards a car park. Harry pulled out a set of keys lighting up a random car, native to Wales he must have rented or something.

"Tell Frannie you'll meet her back at the hotel. Those two could use some alone time for once."

What the heck was this kid doing?

"You do know kidnapping is a crime, right?" I questioned, genuinely concerned for my safety.

I didn't know this guy. Heck I met him on some elevator, he seems trustworthy but you never know. Young girls in foreign countries go missing all the time and no one even questions it.

"If I were kidnapping you you'd have a bag over your head and I'd probably pay people to do it for me because I'm extremely wealthy." He said, getting into the driver's seat and motioning me to sit next to him.

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