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 A/N From randomesquewriter This one's just fluffy and silly and I had this idea last night, just felt like I should write it down.

Venus stared at you and Mars, you poking at all of his piercings and asking him about them. If he hadn't known better, he would've thought that you had a thing for him. Venus wouldn't admit it, but he was jealous. Luckily he knew just the perfect thing to catch your attention.

The next morning, he entered the kitchen where you were cooking breakfast as per usual. You gawked at him as he walked in.

"Hey Star, how's it going?"

He looked exactly the same, sunset eyes gleaming and golden hair that was perfect even though the "beauty king" had just woken up, with the exception of two metal rings protruding from his lip... snakebites.

"What's wrong Princess? Cat got your tongue?" he chuckled slyly. That little fox! He knew exactly what he was doing, biting his bottom lip slightly as you watched his every movement. This did not go unnoticed by the prince, as he smirked, seeing your eyes darting over to look at his lips every few seconds.

"What do you want, Princess?" he whispered in your ear with his voice still husky from sleep. You shuddered and blushed, soon snapping yourself out of it. This guy knew how to play the game and you weren't falling for his trickery.

"W-what do you think you're doing?!" you stammered angrily, gaining yet another smirk from the blonde.

"I just wanted some attention from my favorite girl," he pouted, looking up at you with puppy dog eyes. You thought he was finally being sweet and kind for once, until his next comment.

"And oh, by the way, don't think I didn't see you staring at my lips. You'll get what you want soon enough, my Angel," he purred, before slinking away, leaving you blushing and gaping in the middle of the kitchen.

EXTENDED ENDING: 1 hour later

"Hey, Butterfly, I was wondering if maybe you-"

Alexander opened the door to find Venus attacking your lips hungrily.

"You know what, nevermind, forget I said anything." 

Galaxy: Long Live the Sun- VenusWhere stories live. Discover now