After Dinner

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TRIGGER WARNING: There is a mildly graphic attempt at sexual assault in this chapter. Viewer discretion is advised.

Justin had offered to show you to your room, despite Venus' protests. You were following him down the hallway when he suddenly stopped.

"J-Justin, what are you-"

He wasted no time in shoving you against the wall.

"You know, doll, you were awfully quiet at dinner. I like quiet girls," the man slurred, most likely drunk. Then he leaned in and whispered in your ear, "It makes things a lot easier." You shivered, his voice as smooth as velvet with a hint of poison. His lips attached to your collarbone as you attempted to push him off of you. Feeling you trying to resist, he grabbed a fistfull of your hair.

"That's not a wise decision, doll," he muttered darkly before roughly releasing your hair, causing your head to hit the wall. You whimpered in pain, until he captured your lips to muffle all of your cries.

Him kissing you was an odd experience, considering that he was related to your fiance. His lips felt similar, but much more forced and intrusive. He tasted different, not entirely unpleasant, but not nearly as good as Venus. He kept trying to barge into your mouth, but you resisted him. That didn't last very long, seeing as he bit down on your lip hard enough to draw blood. It was gross and forced, slightly slimy and much more intrusive than you were used to with Will. He never pushed you past what you were comfortable with. I wish he was here now...

Your thoughts were interrupted by Justin's voice, "I want you, doll. And I always get what I want." Then came what you feared. He quickly and forcefully ripped away your shirt as he began to undo the buttons on his own. You flinched and closed your eyes, preparing yourself for the inevitable, when suddenly the shadow above you disappeared and you were taken into a pair of warm arms.

You opened your eyes as they were met with the colors of the sunset. You breathed out a sigh of relief as you clung even tighter to the toned chest of your hero. Behind the beautiful face of your fiance, a scrunched up form lay on the ground, out cold and bleeding.

Venus held you tightly, whispering comforting words into your ears as he carried you to your room.

Extended ending:

"If you don't mind me saying, Angel, you look rather good without your- wait what are you doing with that ro-"

And that is how William Venus got a black eye that lasted him a good 2 months. 

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