Chapter 9 - Cole & Clare

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Who is my mother?

Who is my father?

What kind of people were they?

Why did they give me up?

These questions plague my mind and, for some reason, I can't expel these thoughts like I usually do. Maybe it's because I'm tossing and turning and can't sleep. It usually doesn't bother me but it has been lately. Maybe it's because Laurie has been so nice to me. I don't feel the need to rebel anymore.

I roll out of my bed. It's still dark out. I grab my phone from my dresser, which reads, 3:17am. I don't have to be up for at least another three hours. I open up my text messages. There aren't any new ones. According to the group messages, everyone fell asleep around one. I think I might've fallen asleep for an hour but that's probably about it.

I think about Rina. Our date went so well the other night. I really like her. She's the first girl I've given a shit about in a while. She's the first girl I've wanted to date in a while. I want to hold her hand and cuddle with her while we eat pizza and watch Arrow because it's one of her favorite shows.

I'm starting to notice the little things about her. I know that her favorite color is a pinkish peach and that she always paints her toes that color and that she pushes her hair behind her ear when she's nervous. I wonder if she notices that I notice those things.

I go downstairs to the kitchen, looking for a snack. I feel hungry. I find Laurie in the kitchen, pouring a glass of water in the dark.

"Morning," she says. She smiles. "Can't sleep?"

I shake my head. "I have a lot on my mind."

"Are you feeling okay?"

I nod. "I'm okay. Just having trouble getting some sleep."

She opens the cabinet and pulls out a box. "Do you want some Benadryl? It'll knock you out . . ."

"Trying to drug me up, huh?"

Laurie laughs. "I'm not that crazy, I promise . . ."

I take the pill from her. "Scale of one to ten?"

"Maybe around three or four." She takes a sip from her glass. "Slightly below average."

"I'd say I'm around an eight."

"You've been through hell. I'd be surprised if you weren't at least an eight." I spot the chocolate cake on the counter. It's calling me. Laurie follows my gaze and grins. "Let's have a piece."

"I thought you were trying to get eat healthier?"

"Shh!" she says. "Don't tell anyone. Besides, I worked out yesterday. I went for a run before you left for school."

"What if someone notices the cake is missing?"

"Well, I'll just have to blame you for it," she replies, cracking a smile.


I shut the front door and head toward Drea's car. She offered to pick me up last night after we worked on our project. I called her on FaceTime, since she had gone away for the weekend, to brainstorm ideas for our project.

"Morning," she says with a smile.

"How was your weekend?" I say, getting in the passenger seat.

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