Chapter 15 - Everyone

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Tonight's the night. Tonight's the night I talk to Clare. Hopefully, by the end of the night, she'll be my girlfriend. But it's also possible that I could ruin things between us. Even if I do, at least things will be clearer than before. If she rejects me, though, what will I do? Would things even be the same after that?

I'm a little late to the party, I realize. There are two people on the porch smoking cigarettes. People I don't know but have seen around. They say, "Hey man" as I approach the house.

"Hey," I say.

I open the door. The house is already kind of full but I see people I know scattered around the house. Clare isn't anywhere in sight though.

Matt shouts, "Cam! About time you got here! Come, take shots with us!"

Just from the sound of his voice, I already know he's drunk. I wonder how much he's had as I walk into the kitchen. Matt and Drew both walk over to me with a shot glass full of vodka. Two girls follow behind them.

Drew says, "This is Alexis . . . and this is Lacey."

I smile. "Hey there." I take the shot glass from Drew and take it all in one go. Then Matt pours me another. I take it. And another. And a full red cup of the fruity punch with pineapples at the bottom.

I'm drunk. Not gonna lie. Not fucked up, but drunk. I'm not falling over my feet. I'm not sloppy. But if I stand still for long enough, I'd probably start leaning.

I realize I still haven't seen Clare. And I also realize that I have to pee. I start heading over to the bathroom. Rina is standing there, hand on her hip, tapping her foot. "I've been waiting here forever." She tries the door. It seems to be locked.

"Who's in there?"

Rina shrugs. "No idea. Whoever it is must be blowing up the bathroom." She groans. "I have to pee so bad. I didn't want to have to pee in a bush but . . ."

Then Cole comes over, with his red cup and a smirk. "That person still didn't come out?"

Rina shakes her head. "The music's so loud, who even knows if they heard me knock?"

Cole says, "Do you have a bobby pin?"

Rina nods. "I think so." She reaches in her pocket and fishes out a bobby pin before handing it to Cole.

Cole takes it from her with a grin. He starts picking the lock. "I used to break into my foster brother's room all the time and fuck with his shit." He fumbles with it for a few seconds until the door opens and he pushes it open and all three of our mouths drop.

I'm looking at a scene that I thought I'd never see. Clare is hoisted up on the corner of the sink, shirt lifted up and panties on the floor, with Drea on her knees, between her legs. There's already a hickey on Clare's tits, right above her bra line. I don't even want to know what they were doing.

The five of us sort of stare at each other for a couple more seconds before Cole clears his throat and closes the door. The three of us exchange awkward glances before I go back into the party. What the . . . fuck?

From there, everything is kind of a blur. I feel my feet moving toward the living room. It's filled with smoke. I hadn't even realized anyone had started smoking yet. Drew's cousin, KJ, seems to have the pipe. I sit next to him and he passes the pipe to me. I take two hits, inhaling and exhaling the smoke. It goes around and a moment later, I'm being handed a blunt. I take a pull and inhale the smoke.

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