Chapter Fourteen

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Nic's POV
"Good morning, princess." I leaned down to kiss my daughter's forehead.
"Hi, daddy."
"Did you sleep well?"
She nodded slightly. Last night was our first night back home, and my first time sleeping alone in a month and a half.
I ended up cancelling the interview I had with the Telegraph. I wasn't in the mood to talk about my life when it was changing all over again.
I have a lot of regrets over the last six months and my daughter will be the one to suffer if I keep up the path I'm on.
Elise tried to talk me out of leaving tour the morning after I left her to sleep on the couch alone. Taylor had words with me as well.
Addie wanted to go home and I wasn't going to tell her 'no' again.
My thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell and my phone ringing at the same time. I kissed Addie's head and ran out to the living room.
"Hello?" I answered my phone and then opened the front door revealing Luke and Cade.
"What the heck, Nic!"
I rolled my eyes. "Hello, Taylor."
"You said you were taking Addie home with you but I didn't think El was going too."
"She didn't. I left her at the hotel in Brussels."
"She's not here, mate."
"Well then how about you call her instead of me. I'm not her fiancé."
I hung up and looked to my guests who had made themselves comfortable on my couch. "Hey guys."
"Who was on the phone?" Cade asked.
I shrugged, "Taylor. El apparently isn't where I left her yesterday morning. But that's not my problem. Addie is my number one priority and my job is second. That leads me to my question. What the hell are both of my bosses doing here on a Saturday morning?"
Luke sat up. "Merge is complete, mate."
"That's awesome! But you don't look thrilled."
"Hughes is changing everything. Including you."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"He wants you full-time in Dublin."
I scoffed, "He's not my boss. You and Cade are."
"But we answer to him." Cade added.
"Mate, I thought you said this merger would help me, not change the way I've been making it work." I muttered as I sat beside Cade.
"I know, mate. I'm sorry. I didn't think he'd come after you."
"I guess I deserve it."
"What do you mean by that, Nic?" Luke asked.
I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair. "I was the one who told him about what she did to Addie."
Cade scoffed, "If anything, he should be thanking you!"
I gave him a look. "Mate, she's your sister."
"I know. But she's crazy, Nic."
"I know that, but I tore apart his family. He's probably just pissed at me."
The lads nodded. Just then, I heard the pitter patter of feet across the new linoleum floors.
"Uncle Cade! Uncle Lukey!"
Addie jumped up on the couch between them, giving them each a kiss.
I got up and let them have their reunion.
As I headed to my bedroom, I unlocked my phone and dialed Elise.
One ring.
"Hey, you've reached El Austin. Please leave me a message. Bye."
I waited for the beep.
"El, Taylor is looking for you, I don't know why you left or where you went, but he's looking for you. Call him."
I hung up and sighed in defeat.
I can't do this anymore. I didn't give her what she wanted and destroyed the friendship that we had left.

Her lips were soft against mine but I knew it was wrong.
I pulled back and looked into her eyes. They were filled with confusion. "Elise, we can't do this. We have to be done with this."
"No we don't, Nic."
"Yes. We do. It's not healthy for us, or for our daughter."
She laughed, "Did you hear what you just said?"
"I'm not following."
"You said 'our' daughter."
I nodded my head, "That's because she is."
"Then why aren't we together?"
I lifted her shirt and held up her left hand to remind her. "Because you decided to go find a new family, Elise. I'm fucking done with this conversation. We've had it way too much and it's getting repetitive. You need to get help. I don't care where you go as long as it's far away from me. I tried giving you the benefit of the doubt, but I can't anymore. Addison is my number one priority; she always has been. I can't be a part of your life anymore. We have to draw a line."
"You don't mean that."
I nodded. "Yes, I do, El. I need you to know that no matter what you do, I can't be with you. I need to focus on my daughter. I'll let you continue to see as soon as you are done with your tour. Make up with Samuel and be happy with him. Learn to love the child you're carrying. Learn to love yourself." I leaned forward and kissed her cheek. "I want what is best for you, El. But it's not me."
I get up and walk into the bedroom of the hotel room. I close the door, and lock it. My body slides down the back of the door and I let out a breath.
*end of flashback*

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