7. Lady Wifi - Pt. 1

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              "Savannah!" Why are people always calling my name? I wondered to myself as I turned around. Alya was running towards me, waving her phone, a little Snowdrop charm dangling from a thread attached to her phone.
"What's up, Alya?" I asked, leaning back against my locker. Alya seemed really happy. "What did you find?"
"I think I figured out who the real Snowdrop is!" Alya cried, and my mouth fell open. I knew Alya had a thing for finding out who the real Snowdrop is, but I never thought she would actually find someone who fit it. I just hoped she hadn't thought of me, which was exactly the right answer!
"Listen Alya," I smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder. Better tell her now than stick along with this charade. "I know how much you want to find out who Snowdrop is, but I think that this is something that you should try leaving alone."
"But the SnowBalls need more info! I have to find out who she is, Savannah, I just have to!" I sighed.
"I have to go. But I'll talk to you later?"
I took a deep breath and walked away fro Alya, then ran to a dark corner in the main part of the school. Taking a look around, making sure no one was around, I whipped out my phone.
My throat tightened as I opened up Instagram and opened up my account. On my page, on my posts were multiple comments.

Rowfor34: OH MY GOSH. Who the heck does this girl think she is? She's just a stupid slut, making up this stupid lie about her father dying just for an excuse to live with Adrien? I feel sorry for Chloe.
Glittergirl: I know right? She's just a little liar, a slut, and a total b***h. She doesn't deserve all the friends she has.
Glopis: Someone should tell that girl to go die in a hole. Go ahead and just commit suicide already! Nobody likes you anyway!

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to fight the tears, but they slipped down my cheeks anyway. Reporting it as spam wouldn't do anything. It wouldn't change the fact that everyone thought of me this way.
But then again, it might as well just be true, right?
I walked out of the corner and started running, hoping I could make it to the bathroom without anyone noticing me, but I rammed into someone's chest and backed up.
It was Adrien. Great.
I tried to wipe my tear streaked cheeks before he noticed but it was too late.
"Savannah?" He looked me over with such genuine concern in his eyes. He put a hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?"
I sniffed and jerked my arm away. "Nothing. I'm fine." I rasped, and ran as fast as I could to the bathroom, hearing Adrien calling my name the entire time.
    Once I reached the bathroom, I slammed the door shut and leaned against it, sobbing the entire way I slid down onto the floor, hugging my knees to my chest.
Why do they say all those things about me?
"Savannah?" It was Marinette. "Are you okay? Adrien told me..." I shut her out of my head and just continued to sob. I didn't want anyone to listen to me, I just wanted to be left alone.
    Marinette tried to push open the door. "Go away!" I cried.
"Savannah, tell me what's wrong! It has to be something bad, Adrien looked worried."
   "I don't care. And I don't want to talk about it."
   "But, Sav-"
   "Just go away!" I sobbed. And I continued to do that even after Marinette walked away. The hot tears dripped off of my cheeks onto the floor.
     Those words used to not hurt me as much, but they wouldn't stop now. And I didn't want to tell anyone because they would get involved. And them getting involved led to it only getting worse. So I decided to push it all aside.
     Tears fell down my face and I cried for the next thirty minutes.

............... ...............

       "Hey, this is Savannah, leave a message. Beep." I sighed and put my phone down. I needed Savannah to help me figure this out. She was the only one who I knew who was nice enough and had enough concentration and didn't scream and hide once we walked past Adrien.
       I started walking around the corner of lockers, my thoughts on what feed I would be able to post for the SnowBalls on the SnowBlog. Just as I ran the corner, I saw Chloe, shoving something blue and white into her bag.
      Quickly hiding around the corner, I took a closer look. It was a pair of... Snowdrop gloves? What... Chloe shut her locker and started walking away.
      I ran after her, thinking she was Snowdrop, and nearly missed her as she climbed into her limo. "Chloe's Snowdrop?" I wondered aloud to myself.
       But it didn't make much sense. Chloe never put her hair down and it wasn't highlighted in blue... Oh well! It's something at least. I whipped out my phone and dialed Savannah hoping she'd pick up.
      "This is Savannah, leave a message." A groan escaped from my throat. Just as I was about to turn around, Niño came by and I grabbed him over. "Niño, I need your help!"

............... .............

           "Ugh, where's Alya?" I asked Savannah, who was sitting in the seat in front of me next to Adrien. Savannah turned her head slightly towards me, her eyes a puffy red and whispered, "I don't know. Last I saw her, she was with Niño."
       I took that as a hint and turned around to whisper the same question to Niño. "She got suspended, thought Chloe was Snowdrop or something and while trying to prove it, got hit by Chloe."
       "WHAT?!" I yelled, making the entire class turn to stare at me. "Marinette, is there something you would like to share with the class?" The teacher asked with a grimace, and I shook my head sadly no.
     As I turned back around in my seat, Savannah tapped my desk. "What happened?" She asked me.
     "She got suspended because of Chloe because she was trying to prove she was Snowdrop."
    "HUH?" I winced at the sudden cry from Savannah.
"That's it, Savannah, go to the principles office!" The teacher pointed her ruler to the door.
   "But miss," I started but was cut off by Savannah holding up a hand. She grabbed her bag and after a quick glance at Adrien, walked out of the classroom.
      I slouched down in my seat and put a hand to my forehead. Alya, what did you get yourself into?

............... ..............

         "Hey, this is Savannah, leave a message." I put my head down into my knees and hugged my chest tighter, the sobs edging their way up.
      How had I been so stupid to think that someone as selfish as Chloe could be someone as amazing as Snowdrop? I shook my head slowly and sobbed to myself even more.
      That little brat had lied her way into getting me suspended, and for what, for taking a measly photo?
     I didn't notice it when a little black butterfly came fluttering by and hit my phone, disappearing into the glass.
       Lady Wifi, I lifted my head slowly at the sudden call. That name seemed to fit me... I understand that you have been wrongly accused and you want desperately to know who the real Snowdrop is. I'll help you with this situation of yours for one favor, get me Cat Noir and Snowdrop's miraculouses!
     "I will uncover the truth of every lie told." I said before I thought. Standing up, the darkness from my phone transferred up through my arm and all throughout my body. A dark violet mask covered my eyes, and a full body suit covered me, white lines covering my hands, forearms, legs, and feet. Then a gray line covered my waist and in the middle a pattern of a power button. And finally, a wifi sign lit up in the middle of my chest, and my phone glowed with new possibilities.
       "Time to uncover some lies." I said to myself, and started walking towards the principles office.

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