12. Night Mare - Pt. 3

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Beep. Beep. Beep.
"What's the condition of the patient... Get her into surgery..." My eye lids felt like weights pulling them back down any time I tried opening them. Voices of different people I didn't know were following me around and I felt like I had been floating in water.
I tried to open my eyes but they only fluttered. "Savannah? Is she waking up?"
"Adr..." My mouth wouldn't move but I was certain I heard Adrien.
I tried sitting up but someone gently pushed me back down as I was being rushed somewhere. "Stay down, honey." My eyes were open enough for me to realize I was on a hospital bed being pulled down multiple hallways by nurses in blue suits, two on each side of me and one behind me supporting my head.
"How are you feeling?" The nurse asked sweetly and I tried to open my mouth. "Really... Tired..." I felt myself going and I fought to keep myself awake.
"SAVANNAH!" Adrien was calling me, but where was he?
"Keep him back!" Multiple voices were yelling and I didn't know which one to pay attention to. I suddenly felt extremely lightheaded and I started jerking around, my heart was beating too fast and my chest burned hot pain.
"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" I cried out in pain and fought against the nurses trying to push me back down.
The bed stopped and the nurses strength got tighter, but I didn't stop fighting. The pain was excruciating. "She's having a seizure! MOVE MOVE MOVE!"
The bed went on again and Adrien screamed some more, I fought more, the pain grew more until it was so unbearable I just wanted to die.
That's when I blacked out.

............. ...............

I'm doing this one from Stella's perspective, and just in case if you're wondering, Stella can see what Savannah's seeing when she's asleep and she can also tell what she's thinking. Also, here's a picture of what I imagine Stella to look like, and also what Snowdrop looks like in Pegasus form.

     I woke up on someone's shoulder

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I woke up on someone's shoulder. The clothing was white and scratchy and made me want to fly away from it before I started sneezing but I couldn't move.
I let out a little grunt in pain. All of Snowdrop's mistakes were written on me, my torso still had the white line around it and my eyes were black with circles from lack of sleep. I pushed myself up and gasped in horror at the pain just as my vision clouded and a big screen appeared with the image of Savannah standing on a ledge above a fast running river.
Savannah was sitting on the ledge throwing rocks into the pond when all of a sudden, Chloe appeared behind her and shoved Savannah, who screamed bloody murder as she fell into the river with a splash. Then a picture of a horse with flaming hair and red eyes of fire blew into the sky and the world turned dark.

     I screamed in horror and then I felt someone holding onto me

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I screamed in horror and then I felt someone holding onto me. The touch shocked me back into focus and I whipped out of the black arms to stare straight into the eyes of a black cat with adorable green eyes.
      "Wow, does my breath really smell that bad?" The black cat laughed, his voice small and a hint of scratchy. The cat turned to look at me and looked me up and down. I whinnied annoyed and stomped on the white cloth pointing my hoof to my eyes. "Hey, my eyes are up here. And who the heck are you?"
     The black cat smiled to himself and flew around a little. "The names Plagg. I'm Cat Noir's kwami."
      "You're Cat Noir's kwami? I'm Stella, Snowdrop's kwami!" I cried out in amazement. This was so cool! I had always wondered if Cat Noir had a kwami.
"This is so cool!" I smiled and Plagg landed in front of me. "Hey, would you mind telling me who Snowdrop actually is? Cat Noir would really like to know."
My eyes widened. "Only if you tell me who Cat Noir is. But..."
"Okay! Cat Noir is Adrien Agreste."
"Adrien? Really! Oh my dog, Snowdrop is Savannah Ellabella!"
"Wow-" I shut Plagg out for a moment and focused on my inner thoughts until another vision came blasting through and sent me falling back onto my side. An image of Cat Noir being strangled came to view and Savannah was standing in the dark streets crying out in horror. The Night Mare was holding onto Cat tightly with its mane. Savannah tried transforming but couldn't, her ice crystal was missing.
     Savannah fell to the floor, suddenly overwhelmed with a stinging pain in her chest that reflected onto me, I gasped and felt my eyes tearing up until Plagg touched my arm and shot me back.
     "We can't tell them that they're the same person, that Cat Noir is Adrien and Snowdrop is Savannah." I widened my eyes at Plagg.
     "Why? Shouldn't they know? They're both in love with each other."
   "And that's exactly why they can't know! We'll have to come up with a plan together to figure out to get them together without them knowing their alter egos. They will be in big danger if they find out."
     "But-" I put my blue hoof on Plagg's mouth and shushed him. An idea was forming in my head.
   "We can get Savannah and Adrien to kiss!" Plagg took my hoof off his mouth. "How do you suggest we do that, smart Alec?"
   "I've got a couple of ideas. But they will have to wait. I have to find Savannah!" I flew off into the air, but Plagg grabbed my tail and pulled me back.
   "Are you crazy? You can't just fly out into the open like that. The only way that you are going to get to Savannah is through Adrien and lucky for you, we're sitting on his shoulder." Plagg smiled like a proud parent and flew up to Adrien's face who had his eyes closed.
    "Aaaaaaaadrien! I need some help."
   "Go go sleep Plagg." Adrien mumbled and I silently cursed under my breath. This plan was risky on so many levels.
    I sighed and flew up directly between Adrien's eyes and landed on his nose watching his eyes fly open in shock.
    "You listen here mister! I'm Snowdrop's kwami, and her friend Savannah is in grave danger and I'm afraid that I'm the only one who can help her right now. But she also needs you too." I snorted for effect to show how upset I was.
     "Wait, why can't Snowdrop be here?" Adrien asked, already reading my mind about how I knew he was Cat.
     "She can't risk showing her face and pulling off her mask. It would be too obvious for a random girl to come here who you've never even seen before."
     "But this doesn't make any-"
"Do you want Savannah to live or not?" I yelled at Adrien.
     "Alright, alright, fine. I'll help you. What's the plan?"

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