chapter 1

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"Yey"I chirped as the alarm woke me up. Usually I'd pic it up and smash it to the nearest wall and if it didn't stop beeping, I'd stand up and go to my closet, pick up one of my loubitons and OBLITERATE the blasted thing. Yeah, I know what you're thinking,"Christian loubitons!" don't worry, there are plenty of where that came from, and as for the clock,I've always gotten new ones, sadly my mum has been trying to get me up at 'appropriate time' whatever. Well, after the inhuman smashing of my alarm clock, I would go back to bed with a triumphant smile on my face, sorry mum, its just the circle of life.

But today was different, today was finally here, the day I had been waiting for all my life. A ball of fur pounced on me and licked my cheek, my cutsy chihuahua, Amiga, was excited about this day too, I got her exactly two years from now as a present from my dad. Her fluffy white self was as jolly as I was. I picked her up and pecked her on her furry head.

"This is it Amiga!" I smiled at her, "the day you and I have been waiting for!"

I lept out of bed and raced down the stairs, normally I would wait for Patricia, the head maid, to pull me out of bed after I would have destroyed the alarm clock and overslept, just one of those things, but this was different...

"Surprise!" People chanted the minute I stepped down the twin stairs. Amazing decores and head lights gleamed and glowed-'happy birthday Alexis, you're 18!' Hurrahh! I glanced at the ones that said I was perfect, goddess like, incurable charisma, stunning beauty, I mean duh! Everyone knows that, but still,n it made me blush.

Waitrons approached me with exotic foods on salvers, I took a piece out of all of them, all with equal mouth-watering tastes, absolutely lusious.

As I took a piece from the nearest waitron, one approached me with a golden tray that was covered. My eyes widened, even if I didn't know what was inside, it was the oonly tray out of the silver ones that was golden, I mean, come one, who doesn't know that good stuffs always come on a platter of gold

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