Chapter 1

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A/N The chapters are going to be quite short in the beginning but will get more lengthy.

Today was a quiet day at the bakery. No new customers unfortunately. But fortunately for Tara that meant less people to interact with. Yes that did sound horrible but to someone who was as self conscious and anti social and Tara, this factor worked to her favour. The usuals had come in, a police officer for his morning doughnut and coffee, an old women for her afternoon tea and of course a mother and her toddler looking for "special goodies". One person who had recently become a regular surprised Tara. He was quite handsome, dark brown hair combed into a quiff, ,muscular physic big green eyes and cute freckles around his cheek and nose area. Tara thought he looked familiar but she couldn't remember were she had seen him or where she could remember him from. He looked her age so it obviously wasn't that long ago since Tara was only 22. Anyway the man always had the same routine. He would come in at 4:30 p.m. and sit near the window in one of the bigger chairs. He would order a sour cream glazed doughnut with a chestnut and brown auger sprinkled coffee. And the most bizarre thing was that he always requested that Tara (or "the cute one in the little apron up front" to use his words) bring him his order then he would watch her for the next four hours, smiling every time she caught him staring. He had been performing this routine for the passed 4 weeks. Tara had gotten used to him as he was very quiet and didn't demand anything at all. She somehow enjoyed his company.
As she cleaned up the last crumbs on the cashier counter ,the man, realizing that it must be closing time got up and left. He walked up to Tara handing her his cup. She took the cup form him but noticed he was staring at her chest. Ready to cuss him out she out the cup down and put her hands on her hip. But before she could say anything the man interrupted speaking in a deep baritone voice that made her almost shiver.
"Tara.... Tara Adoretti. "
Tara was taken aback, she had not expect that.
" Don't worry, I'm not some creep." He chuckled." We went to High school together? Isaac? Isaac Scorelli"
Then it clicked in her mind of course that's why he seemed so familiar . It was only 4 years ago.
" Anyway it's getting late so I must be on my way but it was nice seeing you again." He slide a piece of paper towards her. " You should call me sometime so we can catch up."
He walked towards the exit pushing the door open. But before he exited he turned around and smiled
" Still so beautiful"
And with that he left leaving Tara blushing and completely in awh.

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