Chapter 4

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A/N A little short but I'll make the next update longer
Tara looked at Isaac. He was so cute, only he would want to play a game so childish and she loved that about him.
"Okay. You start." She answered.
"Hmm..... What's your favourite food?" He asked
"Hamburgers and fries. What's your favourite song?"
"Sam smith 'Nirvana'. What's your favourite hobby?" Isaac asked hoping to find something in common with her.
"I like cooking...."
"Me too !" Isaac said excitedly happy to find they were alike in at least one way.
"What's your favourite candy?"
"Hershey's kisses...." Tara blushed looking down "You?"
Isaac leaned in closer to Tara's face "I love milk chocolate" He leaned in again staring at her plump lips.
" Yes Isaac" She answered in a voice just above a whisper.
Isaacs voice dropped down an octave and a sexy baritone flowed out of his beautiful lips like liquid gold. " Have you ever been kissed?"
"Yes? By who? Why didn't I know about this? What the hell!" Isaac exclaimed, freaking out. He really thought he had Tara but who ever this stupid guy was, was not making it easy for him.
"By you idiot, you don't remember? At prom we dance together and you said I looked so beautiful." Tara blushed again. Just thinking about that night made her insides feel all mushy.
"Oh, I remember that night it was........ Magical" Isaac chuckled nervously at the fact that "that stupid guy getting in the way" was actually himself.
Tara looked around the living room, not wanting to face Isaac because she knew that as soon as she saw his eyes and those luscious lips, she wouldn't be able to resist.
"Oh my gosh, it's almost 9 o'clock! I have to get home." She said heading to the door hoping she would find her coat and shoes in the bowling alley Isaac called a coat closet. Isaac was right behind her.
"I'll drive you. I have no where else to go tonight and I don't want you freezing in the night time chill. Plus the walk is too long."
"Okay thank you. I really appreciate it." Tara said. She would never admit it but deep down she was content not only because she had a warm ride home and didn't have to walk but also because she could spend more time with Isaac; even if it was only 15 minutes.
"That reminds me, I have to go to the grocery store to pick up some chocolate chips and a pie pan. " Isaac exclaimed as they were driving.
"Why on Earth would you need chocolate chips to make a pie" Tara giggled.
"To make Scorelli Special Pie" Isaac relied as if it was the most obvious conclusion.
"You are so weird!" Tara giggled again.
"It's so good even YOU couldn't argue about the taste" Isaac said bursting into laughter. He always loved how feisty Tara was at times. She was like a sexy little lion, except he would never say that out loud. He understood something make more sense inside one's head.
"Isaac just shut up and drive!" Tara laughed along.

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