[ 20 ] Mom of the year? I think not

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• C H A P T E R   T W E N T Y •

"Everything's going to be fine Emery." My dad reassures me once we arrive at the parking lot of a restaurant.

I force a smile.

"If you say so."

Ever since my mother announced over the phone yesterday, that I was to show up at the arranged meeting with her fiancé — you could say my reaction has been anything but enthused. I'm really not inclined to meet him and spend  quality time with him, in the nearest future, for any of that matter.

With an authoritative expression, my father points a finger at me.

"Remember, I raised you to be well mannered and —"

"I get the gist of it dad." I interject stiffly.

He rearranges his features and wears a knowing look. "I'm aware of how hard this is for you, given that he's going to be your stepfather soon. " his voice comes out as understanding. "But, give the guy a chance and get to know him. At least, do it for your mom."


After giving me more words of encouragement, he pulls me in a quick embrace before releasing me. Subsequently, I exit the vehicle and make my way to the café.

The sound of silent whispers invades the room once I step foot indoors, along with the strong aroma of coffee beans. The fancy booth seatings as well as the tables made of solid birch wood, stand out in the room as they contrast beautifully with the rosewood walls of the cutesy restaurant.

Upon surveying the area, I decipher my mother's figure as her focal point is on the restaurant menu.

Knitting my brows, I advance in her direction while inwardly preparing myself to face the music.

"Where's Christopher?" I deadpan once I've neared her table.

In a swift moment, my mom drifts her gaze from her menu to me.

"You're late," she remarks peevishly.

She then folds her arms as she regards me with a glint of vexation in her eyes.

I stare at her in astonishment. "Seriously? Mom, it's like ten o'clock on a weekend. You're lucky I didn't oversleep and get to arrive here in the afternoon."

A grimace, one that I was expecting, paints her features. "This is exactly the kind of behavior, I warned you not to bring here today. Once Chris gets here, I hope you won't get to behave like this. Now kindly sit down."

"Technically, I'm not even obliged to be here. I could have refused your request to meet him mom."

"Please don't start with your technicalities Emery," My mother scolds, "It's too early in the morning to argue with you, so just do as I say."

Restraining myself from uttering another word, I proceed to occupy the seat in front of her.

"You're going to like him, he's very nice." she gushes before calling a waitress over.

"I seriously doubt it." I mutter to myself although, based on her facial expression, she immediately caught on my words.

"Hi, what would you like to order?"

Standing next to our table is a chestnut haired young waitress, as she gives my mom a welcoming smile.

"Yes, I'll have the crêpe with whipped cream and oats please." My mother behests after throwing a quick glance at the menu in her possession.

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