[ 4 ] Expectations vs. Reality

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•  C H A P T E R   F O U R 

One question.

Why the hell didn't I verify the caller I.D?

Well technically even if I did, I wouldn't have been familiar with the unknown digits appearing on my cell phone screen since, I deleted him from my contacts like two decades ago. I don't even remember Dean's phone number so, how the hell has he still managed to remember mine?

That could only mean one thing. . .he never removed me from his contacts.

Maybe he got your number from Aaliyah or Natalie?

That's impossible! They never would have given him my number. Sometimes my subconscious is really not thinking straight.

"Emery are you there?"

I can barely hear myself think due to the deafening sound of my heartbeat.

Perusing the phone like it could explode any second now, I immediately think of something to say.

"How the hell did you get my number Dean? No, the suitable question for this situation is; Why the hell are you even calling me?"

"Well, I told you the conversation that we had earlier was far from being over. So I'm calling you to fulfill my mission." he states in an arrogant tone.

I roll my eyes at his lame attempt of an excuse. Who the hell does he think he is, calling me for his own amusement? If he thinks he can act so cocky and full of himself then, two can play this game.

"You're starting to sound like a Star Wars character and you didn't even answer my first question you moron."

Why the hell is he even calling me?

Maybe he's calling me to apologize for all the horrible things he's done to me in the past. Maybe. . .just maybe.

"I don't have to explain myself to you. Just calm the fuck down." he retorts, his voice tone matching mine.

Okay, I really have to abstain myself from fantasizing about events that are highly unlikely to pass. Because at this point, my delusion is leading me to the brink of insanity.

"Do not tell me to calm down Dean, you're the one who's calling me so I have every right to act puzzled about the whole situation."

"If you really want to know why I'm calling you, well it's simply to persuade you into returning back to Boston." he says cockily.


Not only is he calling me to annoy the living daylights out of me but he also has the nerve to call me for that? What's his problem? Doesn't he have anything better to do with his life?

I feel like my head is about to explode.

Gaining all the courage from inside of me, I don't prepare him for what I'm about to say next.

"Listen Dean Darnell and listen closely, don't you ever call me on my cell phone number again do you hear me?" I take a deep breath before continuing. "I'm not going back to Boston because you asked me to alright? So stop annoying me for goodness sake!"

"Wait—" I hang up the phone before he can say anything else.

Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I'm about to turn my phone off in order to concentrate on my essay only, I don't get to do that since I'm instantly greeted by my message alert tone, indicating that I have received text messages.

Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me ✓Where stories live. Discover now