[ 31 ] I'll officially walk out of your life

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Previously on Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me

Once Emery discovered that Noel was the orchestrator of her humiliation years ago, she cut him out of her life. The fact that Dean was aware of this piece of information but failed to inform her angered her all the more. Dean later confessed to Emery that his reason for staying quiet was related to a text he sent her years ago on the night after he humiliated her which accidentally got sent to Noel. Ever since, Noel has threatened to tell Emery of the text (that she has yet to know of) if Dean ever dare to expose him.

 Meanwhile, the friendship between Natalie, Aaliyah and Emery is bound to dissolve after the altercation that occurred during halloween night when Emery gave Aaliyah an ultimatum : choose to break up with Luke (after he mercilessly made fun of her almost drowning) for their friendship to survive or the opposite.

And that's what you missed on Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me.

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  C H A P T E R   T H I R T Y    O N E  •

Radio silence.

That's been Aaliyah's current status for the past two days.

At first, I knew she needed some space after the whole Luke situation but she had both Natalie and I worried sick.

Is she even coming to school today?

After dialing her number for what seems like the tenth time, I pocket my phone after the call goes straight to voicemail.

Walking into the school's building on Monday morning, I program my brain to focus on my academics and avoid conflicts or any form of distractions.

Midterms are approaching and that means weeks of countless exams and sleepless nights. College admissions are right around the corner and regardless of any dislike I have for studying, I need to perform well if I intend to study far, far away from here.

I survey the halls but to no avail.

Where is she?

With only seven minutes left till class, I make a beeline towards my locker. Once I unlock the combination, I rapidly unload my bag of heavy books, relieving my shoulder from the excruciating pain. I could seriously have some posture issues if I don't start using a backpack instead of a handbag.

From my peripheral vision, I see an approaching figure head towards me. My body freezes after averting my gaze to the source. Apparently, blocking his number and telling him to get lost hasn't made much of a difference because here he is, persistent as ever and looking like he hasn't slept properly for days.

That makes two of us.

If I can't convince him to leave me alone then I'd just have to revert to playground tactics and ignore his existence until the message sinks in.

Noel gulps audibly before scratching the back of his head, a nervous habit he's picked. His eyes hold a glint of hope giving how I've made no move to withdraw myself.

Aggrieved, I divert my gaze back to my locker and start grabbing the necessary materials for class.

"You haven't answered my calls." his voice is audibly nervous.

"Did I have an obligation to?" I surprise myself by saying.

To hell with ignoring his existence then.

Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me ✓Where stories live. Discover now