My big secret.

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I couldnt believe what I was hearing! I swear to god this guy was high or something.

"You look confused!"

"We'll this is pretty much the first time I'm hearing about this!'

"We'll your not full yet." I'm not full yet? Now I know this guy was high!

"Are you high."

"No! Alexus what I'm telling you is all true!"

"Oh ok, so your a werewolf?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"And I'm a werewolf?"

"Yup! Pretty much!"

"Yup your high!" I say as I start to stand up and grab my things.

"No alexus, I'm not lying to you." He says as he grabs my arm. I quickly pull away and walk out the door. I walked quickly to my house since it was only like 2 blocks away. I stormed inside my house.

"Hey honey, what's the matter?"

"Oh it's nothing mom."

"I thought you were staying till tomorrow."

"Yeah I was, but I don't feel good, I'm just gonna go to bed." I quickly run upstairs put my stuff down and lay in bed. I kept thinking over and over about what Damon said. He seemed so serious, maybe he wasn't lying but then I thought he has to be cause in no way in hell am I or will I ever be a werewolf. Finally I feel asleep. I dreamed something weird, I was with andi and we were by the woods and I heard a Big Bang then a howl it was so close. I quickly told andi to call her mom, it was so close that I could hear it pee, then I heard it get closer and all I saw was a black paw come out. Then I popped up in my bed and looked at the time. It was 1 am. I went down stairs and got a glass of water. While walking back I saw something outside. I set my drink down then went outside. I could hear something in the woods so I grabbed the flashlight. I was looking around when I saw a glimpse of two big glowing yellow eyes. They were huge. My heart started racing and I quickly went inside, I grabbed my glass of water. Then I thought, maybe it was true, maybe he is a werewolf, and I might have just saw him! I thought about it for along time then I finally decided tomorrow to apologize and agree to listen to what he says from now on no matter what. Then I fell fast asleep.

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