Chapter 3

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~Timeskip to after a bit of sleeping~

Kageyama had woken up with Hinata still leaning against his arm. He carefully stood up making sure not to wake up the other male. Tobio yawned softly as he began to stretch his arms out then he stood back into his normal form. Looking at the male he smiled slightly then he saw Natsu coming out of the guest room.

She yawned rubbing her eyes as she spoke, "What time is it?" He looked at her for a moment then he opened his phone checking the time as he said it outloud for her to hear, "Eight twenty-three" Natsu nodded as she ran over to her sleeping brother to wake him up. "Nii-chan, get up, it's getting late!" Waking up, the male yawned as he sat up.

Shouyou's hair wasn't really that messed up since his normal hairstyle was like a bed-head. He got out his phone checking the time then he stood up and spoke, "Sorry Kageyama-Kun, but we have to get home." Tobio nodded understanding as Shouyou picked up Natsu and they went home.

Once Shouyou and Natsu got home the male decided to take her to her room. He carefully sat her on the bed letting her sleep. Smiling he then went to his own room and laid on the bed. After a while he heard his mother open the front door.

He rushed to see her and asked if he could go back to Tobio's. She thought for a moment then agreed. The male zipped up his jacket and rushed back to Kageyama's house. They could actually have some alone time now that Natsu wasn't with him.

It dark outside and as the male walked he tripped on a branch that was on the ground. Sitting up Shouyou had winced. The fall had created a scrape on his knee. The male stood back up and just continued to walk. After about another twenty minutes he had finally gotten to Kageyama's house.

Hinata stood at the front door as he then knocked. He waited for a moment then Tobio had finally opened the door. The orange haired male smiled brightly as he hugged the other male. Kageyama had noticed the scrape and he grabbed the male by the shoulders.

"What did you do?" He asked with a stern tone. Hinata was confused at first then he looked down at his knee as he spoke, "Oh, I just fell, that's all" He laughed a bit then stopped when he saw Tobio with a serious face on. Shouyou's smile faded as he spoke once again, "I'm sorry"

Kageyama studied his features for a moment then he sighed and picked the other male up. "It's fine, I'll get you fixed up." he said a bit quietly. Hinata nodded as he held onto Tobio tightly not letting go of him. Kageyama took Hinata into the bathroom and sat him on the sink. Looking through the cabinets he finally found the first-aid kit.

"Stay still" The taller male demanded as he got out some peroxide. He then got a washrag and poured some of the peroxide onto it. Tobio took the wet rag and put it on Shouyou's knee. The orange haired male flinched as it burned a bit. Kageyama frowned slightly as he didn't really like seeing Hinata in this state.

After the knee was cleaned up a bit more the black haired male took a large bandage and put it over the other male's knee. "There" he said quietly but enough for Hinata to hear. Shouyou's smile then finally came back as he felt much better. Kageyama picked Hinata up once again and lightly kissed his forehead.

The male wrapped his arms around Tobio's neck to make sure he wouldn't fall. The taller male smiled a bit as he carried the shorter male into the living room. He sat down with Shouyou still in his arms as he spoke, "Do you want to watch another scary movie?"

Hinata nodded agreeing as he then tried to think of a movie, "How about the movie about Slenderman!" Kageyama chuckled a bit as he replied, "He's Always Watching?" "Yeah!" The orange haired male said excitedly. Tobio picked Shouyou up and sat him off to the side of the couch as he got up to look for the movie.

He went over to the movie case and ran his eyes over the covers until he finally found the movie. He then got it out of it's spot and put in into the DVD player. Tobio let the disk slide into the the machine. He then went back over to the couch and sat down. On his own Hinata crawled onto the male's lap and sat down leaning back on him.

Many commercials for other other movies played though and they pointed out which ones looks good to see or the ones they had seen. After a bit when all of the commercials were over the main menu for the movie showed up. Kageyama smirked slightly as he was ready for the movie to start. Then he grabbed the remote and hit play.

//Hai my loves the next chapter is just going to be a bunch of cute moments where hinata is scared and kageyama will be there for him. Talk to ya next time unless you decide to message me :/ 

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