Tuesday - Chapter 7

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-3rd p.o.v-

Kageyama and Hinata woke up to the alarm going off. A slight frown appeared on Shouyou's face as he then snuggled his face into Tobio's chest as he spoke, "I don't want to go to school." The black haired male opened his eyes with a sigh as he replied to him, "I don't either, but if we miss school on the same days things will get suspicious."

Hinata nodded as he knew that the male was trying to say. "Dumbass" Kageyama mumbled as he sat up. Shouyou yawned as he sat up as well. Thinking for a moment Shouyou realized that he didn't have his school uniform with him. Looking down he decided that he should probably say something about it.

"Kageyama?" Shouyou asked as Kageyama was going to his closet to get his uniform. "I forgot to bring my uniform." Tobio turned around to look at Hinata, sighing he knew that he would either have to wear his or wear his normal clothes and get in trouble. Blushing lightly Kageyama got a spare uniform out from his closet and threw it to Hinata.

The orange haired male looked at the uniform then spoke, "Isn't this too big for me?" Kageyama spoke as he walked to the bathroom, "It's either that or you get in trouble and most likely not get to go to volleyball practice this afternoon. Plus, we don't have practice this morning." He went into the bathroom and started to get changed.Hinata looked at the uniform then began to get undressed so he could put on the uniform.

~Short time skip~

They both had gotten done getting dressed and they decided to head out. Shouyou let out a soft yawn as he was still tired. Since the uniform was really big on him he rolled up the sleeves and pants trying to make it look normal. Tobio laughed slightly as he watched the shorter male struggle with the uniform. Hinata frowned as he stopped struggling and just continued to walk.

Soon Tobio stepped in front of Shouyou. He got down on his knees and began to help Hinata with the uniform. Blushing lightly Hinata thanked Kageyama as he stood up again and walked to the school.

~Timeskip to after school and practice~

It was right after practice and Kageyama and Hinata were walking home together. Soon as they knew they were both alone Hinata spoke up, "Do you want to come over tonight?" Kageyama shrugged unsure as he knew that they would most likely have school tomorrow. "My mom said that she was going to take Natsu to my grandma's for a couple of days anyways so..." He trailed off.

After a moment of silence Kageyama spoke softly and quietly, "Sure." Hinata looked over as he barely heard what Kageyama had said. "Hm?" Shouyou hummed as he wanted to know what Tobio had said. Kageyama looked down at him and spoke once again, "I said Sure. I'll come over tonight."

Shouyou smiled brightly as he kept walking then Tobio spoke again, "I have to go to my place first to get a couple of things." Hinata nodded and walked with Kageyama to his house. Once they got there he got everything he needed and they began to head back to Hinata's house.

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