Chapter 5

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The black haired male woke up to the shorter male still in his arms sleeping peacefully. The male smiled slightly as he then kissed the orange haired male's head. Shouyou smiled slightly as he began to wake up. Yawning he stretched and looked up at his lover. Tobio smiled and spoke, "Morning." Hinata smiled brightly as he spoke, "Good morning Kageyama."

Kageyama sat up with a yawn as he stretched as well. Looking down at Shouyou he clearly didn't want to get up this morning. "C'mon, just get up, it's not like we're going to school." The shorter male sighed as he then sat up himself. Kageyama rested his chin on top of the male's head as he listen to him speak, "You happy now?" Not taking his chin off the the male's head he just nodded.

"What do you want to do today?" The black haired male asked. The shorter male thought for a moment then he looked outside with a gasp, "We can play in the snow!" Kageyama blushed lightly as he knew that if any of the teammates saw they would tease them and find out about their relationship. "No" he said strictly.

Shouyou then began to tear up as he felt like his heart just got broken into a million tiny pieces. Seeing this reaction Tobio felt bad and spoke, "Alright fine, but only in the back yard" Hinata smiled brightly as he got up to get ready. Looking around the house he couldn't find his coat, giving up the male sighed as sat on the floor.

Kageyama looked over at him as he realized that he couldn't find his coat. He went into his closet and got a jacket that he normally used and threw it over to Hinata as he spoke, "Just use mine." Shouyou nodded and slipped on the jacket then giggled a bit seeing how long it was on himself.

Tobio looked through his closet and found himself another jacket that he could use. He then put it on and zipped it up. Hinata was having trouble keeping the sleeves up as he tried to zip up the jacket. He then looked at Kageyama for help since he was having troubles.

The black haired male sighed as he then got down on one knee to help him with the zipper. As he zipped the jacket up he spoke softly, "At times you know you can be such a child." The orange haired male blush lightly as he felt embarrassed by hearing that. "Done." The taller male said quietly as he then stood up.Tobio grabbed Shouyou's hand as then they began to go to the back door to go outside.

-Hinata's p.o.v-

My fingers were intertwined with Kageyama's as we started to walk to the back door. He quickly let go of my hand for a moment as he went to open the door for me. I smiled brightly thanking him as I went outside. I stood in the snow that covered the grass as I waited for him. I watched him walk out of the house and shut the door behind him.

I smiled as I jumped into the snow and began to start making a snow angel. Kageyama kind of just stared at me not knowing what to even do with me anymore. After I was done I sat up to see how it turned out. A frown appeared on my face as it just looked like a huge blob.

-3rd p.o.v-

Kageyama began to laugh as he thought it was a bit funny. Once he saw the frown on his lover's face he then stopped. For a payback Hinata picked up some snow and formed a snowball, smirking he took it and threw it at Kageyama. The taller male glared at the shorter male. Shouyou giggled as he ran and hid behind a tree.

They both started to form piles of snowballs and build a small fort. After everything was set they began to throw snowballs at each other. Smiles were shared as they both had fun. Soon all of the snowballs were gone and Hinata came out of hiding. "That was fun!" the orange haired male said cheerfully.

Kageyama just nodded then Shouyou spoke again, "Can we build a snowman?" Tobio smiled slightly as he nodded agreeing to the plan. Hinata smiled as he began to gather up some snow. The black haired male went to the other side of the yard and began to gather up some snow as well. After having so much snow built up they made up the bottom, body, and the head.

They then found some rocks and sticks to make the face and arms. Hinata stood next to Kageyama with a smile. He then leaned his head on the male's shoulder as he felt happy. "I'm cold.." Shouyou said as he got closer to Tobio. "Do you want some hot chocolate?" The taller male offered.

Hinata nodded as he was fine with that. Kageyama took Hinata's hand as they went inside the house. A smile was still on Hinata's face as he really did have fun with his lover. The two males entered the house together. Once the door was shut Hinata tried unzipping the jacket, but just like earlier he had trouble. Sighing Kageyama got on one knee and helped him unzip the jacket.

"Thank you." Shouyou mumbled, but just loud enough for Tobio to her him. The male nodded accepting his thank you as he stood back up and unzipped his own jacket. The taller male went into the kitchen as the shorter male followed. Kageyama went into the fridge and got the milk so he could make them both some hot chocolate.

He then went into the cabinets and got the packets of hot chocolate and two cups. He poured the milk into the glasses and then put them in the microwave for a couple of minutes. After the microwave went off Tobio carefully took the cups out of the microwave and added the packets of hot chocolate into the them. He then mixed it well as he handed one of the cups to Hinata.

"Be careful, it's hot." He said softly. Shouyou nodded carefully taking the cup trying not to get burnt. He then took a small sip with a smile. He looked up at Kageyama then walked over to him and buried his face into his chest. "I love you." He said quietly. Kageyama stroked his hair with one hand then kissed his head as he spoke, "I love you too."

//There we go! the over 1000 word chapter that I had promised. I got a chance to write this in my afternoon classes and around when I went to bed. I hope that you liked it!~

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