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After we stood for a while and talked Ben looked at his watch and scared himself half to death. "WE NEED TO GO". He screamed obnoxiously loud while the girl... Gracie I think? Also looked alarmed as she rushed us towards the giant building in the center of the island.

"No time to explain things you two just accept your gifts, wave, and smile".
"Wait what?" Whitney replied to her.

We were then rushed into what seemed to be the back door of the building and a smiling man in a cloak guided us behind some curtains. The curtains opened to reveal a humongous audience all scarfing down food like it was their last meal. "Today we have two new recruits, Blake, he waved his hand in our direction, and Whitney". The audience roared with applause." These two are both very powerful braves and we are honored to have them with us. Blake". He motioned for me to speak.

" Umm... Hi?". I didn't know what else to say but the man came to me." No no no tell them about yourself". The man whispered as the while audience snickered." I'm a sophomore in highschool, my favorite food is literally anything sweet , and I'm from Moscow, Russia". The audience erupted in laughter and the man seemed annoyed now as he spoke." Ok it seems as though the new recruits don't know everything about themselves yet so I'll have to tell. Blake here can teleport, use telepathy, and control shadows so that they can manifest into a physical being and move to his will. Whitney, as I'm almost sure also does not know everything can fly, remember anything to the finest detail, and use a powerful form of telekinesis with light".

The audience still amused by our lack of knowledge about the situation as a whole clapped at the reveal of our powers. We were both a little stunned I think but not to much considering what'd happened the past few days.

"Next as you all know are the presentation of their gifts". He then continued to wave his hand toward a stand where to rocks with engravings on them stood. How'd that get there anyways. I don't remember seeing it.

     "Shall we begin". He said with an obvious fake smile. He then guided us towards the stone and placed both Whitney's right hand and my right hand on each stone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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