Chapter 5: Werewolf

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Sirius slid off the bike and Harry followed, falling with a little less grace and ending up on his butt. "Ow." Harry mumbled, getting up and wiping the dirt off his jeans.

"Nice, real smooth Harry." Sirius chuckled. Harry poked his tongue at him.

They walked into the village, which was full of people but not exactly crowded. Everyone around them stared, Sirius assuming it was because of Harry, Harry thinking the same thing and moving his hair to cover his scar, keeping his head down. Of course, they were staring because of Harry,but they were also staring because of Sirius, who they had believed for eleven years to be a mass murderer. The pair together made everyone's head turn and the chatter die down. Harry felt incredibly awkward, it was bad enough at school with a bunch of gossipy teenagers, but even worse with a village full of grown wizards. They were all watching him silently, as if they were waiting for something amazing to happen while he was just walking. He wished they would all stop staring.

Sirius noticed his discomfort and bought him into the nearest shop, Dominic Maestro's, the music store. "Are you all right Harry?" Sirius asked, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder. He noticed with happiness the Harry didn't flinch around him as much as he used to.

"Yeah, I just wish everyone wouldn't always stare at me, it makes me uncomfortable. And I didn't even do anything, my mum is the reason that I survived, because if she hadn't died for me than I wouldn't have lived. They should all be worshiping her, not me." Harry finished, looking up at Sirius.

"Harry, your a young wizard with extraordinary talent, you deserved to be worshiped." Sirius said, and Harry smiled at him. "I guess you could say, that you're extraordinHarry." Sirius added. Harry just shook his head at him.

"Merlin's beard, stop. Is this how you spent all your years in Azkaban, making up terrible puns?" Harry joked, grinning.

"Ouch, Harry. That really hurts me, right here." Sirius pointed to the right of his chest, making Harry giggle.

"Your heart's on the other side." Harry said, bursting with laughter.

"Well maybe I was pointing to my lung!" Sirius defended.

"Ha, whatever." Harry shook his head and grinned at him, and Sirius beamed back.

Harry looked around, only now realising where they were. His eyes caught to a guitar on a higher shelf. The body was made of a dark wood, and the neck had a vine pattern running across the fretboard. Sirius turned to see what Harry was looking at. "Do you like guitars Harry?" Sirius asked, turning back around. (A/N Guitar on the side)

"Yeah, I've always wanted to learn how to play but Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon said that if I got a guitar that I would be taking food out of Dudleys mouth, so I wouldn't be fed for a month. I decided to not ask for one again, because I figured that I would die if I didn't eat for a month. And Dudley would probably break it anyway." Harry rambled, but then promptly closed his mouth as if he had said to much.

"I never really liked your Aunt. I met her once before when I went to your mothers house with James when we were teenagers. I don't think she liked me to much, either. Kept calling us all freaks."

"That was her favourite thing to call me." Harry mumbled, not meaning Sirius to hear. Sirius said nothing, but he had heard what Harry had said.

"Anyway, let's get going to the rest of the village, plenty of things to see!" Sirius pulled Harry outside and a few people turned and stared, but most left them alone. "Favourite quidditch team, Harry?" Sirius asked as they walked into a shop called 'Spintwitches'. Harry soon discovered it was a store for sporting things.

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