Chapter 8: Life's a bitch

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Harry's dreams started pleasant, but as the night grew closer to morning they were the opposite. The first part was when Sirius showed up at the Dursley's, then it changed to the look on Sirius' face when he thought Harry had been taken but he was just in the music store, and it gradually got worse from there. The second to last being when Sirius stormed in to Harry room, just that night. The very last being the same dream he had had the night before they were to go and get Ron, but Uncle Vernon was replaced by Sirius. He only woke when the final punch had been delivered, which had knocked him down cold at the time. He was on the floor next to his desk, covered in a layer of sweat and his eyes wet with tears. "Harry! Harry wake up! Let me in!" Sirius was pounding in the door, and Harry wondered why he didn't just blow up the door like last time.

"No, I'm fine now. Go back to sleep." He stood up and flopped onto his bed, exhausted, but the image of the last part of his nightmare replaying in his head.

"Do you need anything? A cup of tea? Some food?" Sirius asked.

"No, I'm fine!" Yelled Harry, wanting Sirius to leave.

"Harry, I understand that you're still annoyed at me for wanting to send you to stay with Remus, but-"

"Just go away!" Harry kept thinking about what Ron had told him. Sirius told them the full story, they used Veritaserum, he was freed. He could have done that years ago. I could have grown up with him instead of the Durlseys. He could have prevented every bad thing that has happened to me since my parents death.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Asked Sirius, sensing Harry was annoyed about more than just staying with Remus. Harry stormed towards the door and unlocked it, whipping it open at catching Sirius in mid-knock.

  "You knew. You had always known. You could have pleaded for a trial years and years ago, you could have told them everything. Then you could have come and got me, and you could have been free, I could have been free.. But no, for some unknown reason, you chose not to say anything. Do you have any idea what I've been though? Any idea what you could have prevented happening to me if you had just stopped feeling sorry for yourself and thought about someone else for once!" Harry yelled, scrunching up his fists.

 "Harry, I always thought of you, you were the reason I spoke up in the first place-" Sirius tried to speak, but Harry interrupted.

 "Twelve years to late, father."

 "Excuse me?"

 "Have you checked the tapestry lately father? Oh, but of course you have, that's why you kept me away from it on my first day here, why you kept it locked with a charm that I wouldn't know the counter to. You forgot to close the door one night, father."  Harry spat, glaring. Sirius stood at the doorway shocked, cursing himself for his on stupidity.

"You disgust me." Harry slammed the door in his face. 

"No, Harry it's not like you think it is-"

"How can it not be? And don't try to say it's because you adopted me, she was on there before we even went to the orphanage."

"Just- let- me- in!" Sirius was throwing his body against the door to try and get it open.



"Father!" Harry yelled. He heard Sirius groan and his footsteps move away from the door, so Harry sat on his bed with his head held in his hands, wondering what would happen next. Sirius' footsteps were back, but before Harry could register what was going on, Sirius yelled "BOMBARDA!" and the door exploded. Sirius ran straight to Harry.

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