Chapter 19: Little Whinging

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(A/N: HAPPY (late...) BIRTHDAY MidrarulKarim !! Hope you had a good birthday and enjoyed the Nutella sandwich!)

Sirius was still asleep by one in the afternoon, his arm uncomfortably numb as it was squished underneath him, and his mouth wide open as his head was tilted back. Only when he had shifted, and a shock of pain came from his cramped neck, did he wake up, covering his eyes from the sunlight coming out of the fake window. Sirius let out a small grunt of pain, from both his neck, and his headache, which thumped in sync with the rain outside. "Ugh." Sirius rubbed his eyes and squinted, trying to adjust to the lighting of the room. "Kreacher?" Sirius mumbled, and even the quiet whisper of his voice made him wince in pain.

There was a loud pop, which caused Sirius to flinch. "Master Sirius, what do you want?" Kreacher asked, giving a half-assed bow. Sirius rolled his eyes at the creature, but couldn't be bothered to correct him.

"Get me some headache healing drought, there should be some in the kitchen." Sirius grumbled. The elf nodded begrudgingly and left with a pop and came back moments later with the same sound and Sirius groaned, trying (and failing) to cover both of his ears and his eyes at the same time.

A muffled ting was mixed with the sound of a thud, as Kreacher placed the potion bottle next to Sirius, who grunted a dismissal, and Kreacher left, with another loud, obnoxious pop. More than a little hungover, Sirius clumsily lifted the bottle to his mouth, called himself an idiot for not taking the lid off, then opened the bottle and continued to drink half of the potion, and the other half was spilt down his lap as he missed his mouth.

The potion automatically kicked in, and Sirius' head cleared. He still had no idea why he was in the drawing room, and he couldn't exactly remember what made him get drunk, but he no longer felt like every death eater was using the Cruciatus Curse on his head. He sighed, rubbing his eyes and squinting, until everything became clearer around him. Sirius noticed that he was next to Harrys picture on the family tree, and he leant closer to the wall to investigate the strange black marks surrounding the small painting in unevenly staggered patterns. His eyebrows furrowed as his mind wandered to his trange dream last night. He had been talking to James, who for some reason had green eyes, and had told him that he didn't want Harry anymore. Had he really walked all the way here in his sleep and managed to cast spells in his sleep to try and disown Harry? Sirius shrugged. 'That's not too bad, at least neither Harry or Carina saw me drunk, that's not the best image.' He remembered that he had said many more things to James, and James had been replying, but he just couldn't remember the rest of the dream. Whatever he dreamed of, Sirius hoped he hadn't been sleep talking.

Sirius stood up, brushing off his jeans and sighing. The watch on his wrist said 1:30, which meant both children would have missed breakfast, and almost lunch, unless the hopeless house elf had thought of feeding them without being given orders. Sirius highly doubted it, as Kreacher hardly did orders he was made to do, let alone orders he wasn't told to do. But, Sirius thought, there was a small chance, house elves usually liked children. "Kreacher!" Sirius yelled. a few seconds later, there was an annoyed house elf at his feet.

"What does master Sirius want now?" Kreacher asked, not even bothering to bow this time.

"Did you give Harry and Carina breakfast and lunch?" 

"No, Kreacher only fed the girl, as master Potter could not be found." Kreacher answered in a bored tone. His words caused a spike of anxiety in Sirius.

"What do you mean he can't be found?" Sirius frowned.

"Kreacher means that he can not find Mr. Potter." Kreacher rolled his eyes and disapparated from the room, but Sirius didn't mind, as it seemed he was no help anyway.

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