Chapter 1: perfect day

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"Emily,Emily" I shouted."Mm"she replied,"can you help me with something".I asked her,but she was lost in her thoughts. I could tell she wasn't listening to me,I followed her line of vision to see her staring at Joel,the hottest guy in school.she had a crush on him since the sevent grade. He always walked around school with his friends holding his head up high. By the way Emily is my best friend.She has a pale skin like a porcelain doll and long black hair nicely cupped to her face.she had golden green eyes that glittered with joy all the time. We've best friends since kindergarten. We went to the same elementary school back in England. Yh! I know we still have our british accent since we transferred from our private school in london to Ohio just last year.
I sighed inwardly and looked at Emily,"you are staring at him again"i teased. She turned her head with a smile on her face."No i am not ". She claimed. "I am looking at the sink and tap wher the students drink their water from. I seriously can not believe some of them place their mouths on rhe tap." she replied. I gave her look that said do i look stupid? She smiled at me. We were talking when Mrs. Buffleberry came up to us,she looked at us from her glasses and said,"no talking in my class or detention."I found it strange why the students laughed at her surname. Back in london,i met people with the strangest namesfrom Weasely to Cahill to Dumbledickson.
Finally the school bells rang and we all went home. I sat in my car and drove home. When i got home, i met a smiling Jason running to hug me. His smile was always infectious. " How are you little bro?" I asked my little brother ,"I am fine he replied. Jason had creamish blonde hair like me but he had a deeper shade of blue eyes whiles I had a lighter shade making mine lpok like a stormy sky. My eyes were grayish blue. Jason always made me smile. "Where is mom?" I asked him,he quickly got up from the couch and went to the kitchen. I followed him. There,momwas baking ginger muffins. "Good Afternoon". I greeted her.she rolled her eyes and said,"You can stop the formalities,i know you want to steal a muffin"she saif. I put on a pretense face and replied,"Why mom? I didn't come to steal a muffin,i came to see the most beautiful mom in the world"grabbing a muffin from the baking tray. I gave her a peck and went upstairs to my room. I changed into shorts and a t-shirt and headed for the park with my camera around my neck. I mainly went to the park to take pictures. I passed by the kitchen and informed mom about my whereabouts.
At the park,i kept on taking pictures of nature. Photography was a hobby i love. It was much easier back in London. There were great sceneries to take pictures of but here in Ohio,i could hardly find something catching to my eye. Just as i was about to take my last picture, a certain stranger stood tall in front of my camera. He had dark blonde hair compared to mine. His eyes were hazel in colour that kept any girl locked in his beauty. His nose was pointed and his lips were full and pink. It was like a Greek god standing in front of me. Then he gave a mesmerizing smirk and said,"admiring me already? Do you want my handsome face in your pictures". That's when i woke up from my facade just in time,rolled my eyes and tried to look for another picture to take besides him,but he didn't give up,he moved besides me and kept on talking. He said,"babe ,would you like to follow me to my house". I looked at him amazed by his confidence and said," Don't you have any manners young man". He looked taken back for a minute. "Woooa you have a british accent". He replied. He looked like a daft person for a minute there. "It's pretty cool",he kept on blabbing. "Ok!thanks" i replied. "Now can you leave me" i further asked. He placed his finger on his lips showing signs of deep thoughts and said,"no". "Fine",i said. I will leave. "Ok! Then lets go". I looked at him in awe. "You're not following me",i replied. "I will take it that i didn't hear you one that last part" he said. He grabbed my armand walked me through the park. I tried to remove my arm when i squealed a low sound from the pain he was causing to my arm. He looked down were our wrist were locked and said"I will let you go if you walk me home". I was desperate to get my arm back so i replied,"well fine ,now let me go". As soon as he let me go ,i started running away from him. I heard a low curse from him,before he broke into a run,chasing me."babe"! He yelled. Don't call me that " I yelled back. I was a really bad runner thanks to the short legs i got from my mom.He finally caught up with me,holding me by my waist,i tried screaming,but he put his hand on my mouth.A couple of mothers passed by giving us interrogative looks,that's when he replied ,sorry my girlfriend here is pissed at me". I turned my head vigorously trying to say no but they didnt get my message. I stopes forcing myself out and turned to him and said,"who do you think you are,do you really think you can be my boyfriend". He smirked and said,"i don't think i know i am". That was enough for me, i kicked him in the tigh and walked away as fast as i could,but he caught me saying,"I'm either walking you home or you turn to follow me home". "Huh! Fine you can walk me home". I said. "Lets go". He walked me all the way home. We were chatting,arguing and smilling till we got to my house. He opened his mouth in awe seeing how big my house was. It was literally a mansion. The lights were on and cars littered the front. There was a huge tall gate at the front. We said our byes and went our seperate ways. When i got inside i remembered i didn't know his name and beither did he know mine. I went outside to get his name but he wasn't there. It was like he just vanished. I went inside again dinner was ready.

Errm Hey this is kind of my first story soo dont be too harsh to tell me what you think ok
Love. Felicia054

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