chapter 2. THAT'S HIS NAME.

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Morning came too soon. I woke up with my usual hair looking like a bed nest,and some serious morning breath. It wasn't my fault i forgot to brush yesterday night. The thought of yesterday reminded me of the stranger. He was so annoying, cocky and handsome. Well i know most girls will deny it but you have to be realistic here. The guy was very attractive. His dimples which showed when ever he smirked,his luminous tanned skin and his laughter which isn't as sexy as his other personalities but is manageable. Sincerely the guy laughs like a Nanny goat trying to cough out chocked grass. It was that bad. But i knew by the end of the day he will be forgotten. I quickly set myself for school. I wore a plain white channel shirt with black jeans. I wasn't a fun of skirts and dresses like Emily. I didn't feel like clamouring my hair today ,so i just tied it in a messy ponytail. My hair had naturakl curls that always fell to my waistline. I still wore the pendant with my name and Christopher's on. Christopher was my boyfriend back in london. Even though we were miles away we still had time to Skype each other. I didn't feel like wearing sneakers today,so i wore my H&M white ballet flats that matched my shirt. I picked my school bag and headed down stairs for breakfast. "Good morning Beth",greeted Jason. He was always formal. I thought he was too serious for child his age. "Good morning sunshine",I replied. I called him sunshine because when he was born the first light he saw was daylight. He gave me a toothy grin and went back to eating his breakfast. Jason was 10 years old. I walked over to the large island in the kitchen to grab my favourite bowl and the cereal box. "Where is mom" i asked Jason. He replied, "she left early today. She said she had an important appointment and that you should take me to school". "Hmm"i replied. "And dad where is he?"I asked. "He went for a golf tournament". He answered. "Ok! why don't you hurry up and eat your breakfast so i can drop you at school and still get to my school on time". I told him. "I'm done" he replied. "You sure have an appetite for a skinny boy" i said whiles chuckling. He smirked and said,"i learnt it from you". We got in the car and headed for school. I dropped Jason at his school and headed to mine. I saw Emily at the car park. She was standing next to some cheerleaders listening to some juicy gossip. When she saw me,she excused herself from the crowd and headed my way. "Hey Beth", "Hi Emily" we both greeted. We gave each other glances as if sharing a secret joke and burst out giggling. We entered thr school headed for our lockers and both went to class. We had the same first class that was history. The American history ewas quite different from the British history. Class hadn't yet started. I told Emily everything about the stranger i met yesterday. She was so excited about the news. Emily knew i had a boyfriend but didn't like him for some strange reason. It was time for class to get started. Mrs.Swift entered the class. Everyone stopped talking and sat down. I sat on the second row to the back and Emily sat in front of me. Just as Mrs. Swift picked up the chalk,the stranger i met yesterday arrived. He was late for his first class in a new school. He gave his slip form to Mrs.Swift and took a seat beside me. "Hey" he said with a smirk on his face. I turned my head slightly and gave him a smile. Emily gave me a love look suspecting he was the stranger i told her about. I rolled my eyes and ignored her. She was probably admiring how attractive he was. I know i said he was attractive but i was never going to tell him. I turned my face and saw him scribbling on a piece of paper. He passed it to me face down. On the piece of paper was an emoji with heart eyes. Under the drawing was a note in perfect calligraphy that said," you look prettier with your hair in a ponytail". I scribbled at the back of the sheet,"flirting are we"and placed it gently on his table. He read it and smirked at me. "You wish" he mouthed at me. I smiled. Then Mrs. Swift clled him." Yess,Mr? would you like to introduce yourselfto the class"she asked. He stood up and went in front of the class, then he spoke,"hello eveyone,I'm James Smith,i transferred from St.Christophs High school and i am single". He said winking at a girl in the front row who was admiring his physique. He was such a flirt. He walked back to his seat and sat down . i rolled my eyes and said "Nice intro" in high sarcasm. He smirked and said,jealous that much". How annoying could this guy be i thought. I decided to ignore him for the rest of the period,but he kept throwing small pieces of papers at me. I gave him an angry glare. He passed another sheet of paper. This one had an emoji with a big grin. I couldn't help but smile. Then i reqd the words below,Will you like to hung out this saturday

I know this chapter is short but i was very busy i promise to update earlier next time


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