Chapter 18 (LONG VERY LONG)

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                                                                   Chapter 18

      I woke up the next morning around 10. I groggily walked downstairs. Of course they were talking so I had to eavesdrop. "Can you please take me to Sephora later? I just need to grab something, it'll be quick." she asks. That cute little 'I'm so adorable and innocent' tone will make him want to take her more. I know him. he can't resist adorableness. "It's fine. I have to buy some stuff too. We'll just hang at the mall I guess. I really have to stop listening. Just then I walked out. "Oh, hey." Kendall says, not even looking at me. "Hi." I mumble and grab some coffee. I went and sat on the back porch because I just wanted to be alone.

      About an hour or so later, I saw Kendall's car leave the driveway. I went back in and took a shower. I just needed to wash off all of the bullshit Starr has been throwing at me. After, I invited a few friends over. WHo eventually invited some more friends over...who invited more. About an hour later I had a full on party going. People were everywhere and they had music blasting. And they were all - MAKING A HUGE MESS. But all I wanted to do was let go for a minute and have fun.

That minute turned into six hours.

     People were leaving as Kendall and Starr walked in. "What. Is. THIS!" Kendall yelled. "Stuff..." I look down at the ground, guilty. "Room! Now!" he yelled and I walked upstairs. He came up a few minutes later. "What the hell?!" he's furious. "I invited a few people over and they all just came! I didn't mean to!" I defend myself. "I left you alone for two hours!" Kendall recalled. honey, you didn't.  "It was six hours you idiot! I wouldn't have been left alone if you decided to give a single fuck about me! So it's your fault!" now it's WW3. By the way: he hates it when I all. "Excuse you little girl! Don't talk to ME with THAT language. And what if I didn't want to take you with us at all because you're a little brat! And you know what? You've been jealous of Starr since the minute she got here." he just accused me of being jealous. Never accuse a girl of being jealous. That's when it gets ugly. "Maybe I'm glad I had a party and wrecked your house! You deserved it!" I'm standing now. "You know what? DCF was invovled in your whole situation at first. They asked me if I wanted to put you into the foster care system. But guess what? I said no." he explains calmly. "Okay...and?" that little explanation wasn't enough for me. "And after this week, and the way you've been acting, I'm starting to regret that decision." he finished. "I knew it! I knew you never wanted me! You were just a shallow stupid popstar! Just go ahead! Put me in the system! I don't care! I would rather be starving, not have enough clothes, and not be able to dance - than be here with the bitch downstairs!" i just said that. Correction. I just screamed that. "That's right! I never wanted you! I just took you in because I felt sorry for you!" he yelled. It was hard to tell if he was being sarcastic or not. That's when I grabbed  my phone and my jacket and left.

I ran. I ran until I was where I wanted to be.

                                                        Kendall's POV

      I did NOT just say that. Those words did not come out of my mouth! I ran downstairs and bumped into Starr. "Tell me right now Starr, did you threaten her, and did you actually try to manipulate me like you did?" I asked harshly. "Of course. You're hot and talented and rich. Way too good to be taking care of the little runt that ran out of here a couple of minutes ago. And you obviously want me more than her. I'm quite happy with the way it worked out." she said, popping the gum she had in her mouth. "Plus you were dumb enough to be manipulated by me, and ignore that ugly little thing." she added. "First of all, she isn't the ugly one, you are. Second, get out of my house. By the time I get back you better be packed up and gone or on the sidewalk with your shit." I quickly threw on a hoodie and my shoes and got into the care.

I have no idea where I'm going

     I had been driving for almost half an hour and didn't know where I was going still. I was waiting for her to call me. Just then, I remembered the tracking device her mom had me install in her phone and sync it to mine. I pulled over and opened the app. "Sycamore Lake? Where the hell is that?" I ask quietly to myself. Next, Google Maps. "It's 40 miles - THE OPPOSITE WAY?" I groan and make an illegal u-turn, apologize to all the drivers I almost killed, and kept driving.

About 20 minutes later, I was there. Side note: that means I was driving around 80mph, so don't even begin to think I don't care about her. Anyway, it's a small lake surrounded by woods. There was a giant rock in the middle of the grass before the water. There was a small gasoline lantern lit, and I saw a bit of blonde hair above the rock. I quietly walked over. "Tessie?" all I heard were some sniffles.

I am the worst person in history.


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