Chapter 24

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okay so the rest of the chapters will be VERY LONG because I want to get this done to move onto the sequel

I'll be updating a lot so keep an eye on this


                                                                    Chapter 24

    I woke up to people screaming. I opened my eyes and saw Kendall finishing getting dressed. "You going into the front?" he asks, putting on his shirt. I sit up a little groggy. "Uhm...Yeah." I stood up and went over to the mirror to apply more makeup. "You look fine, it's gonna be kind of dark anyway. Nobody's really going to see you." Kendall laughs. I was going to put up an argument, but it's not worth it. Guys don't understand. "I have to go backstage. Security will take you to the front." Kendall says, putting on a mic. I start to walk away. "Anything you wanna say before my first show?" he asks, hoping for a 'good luck'.  "Don't screw up." i say and pat his arm. I was taken to the front.

    Jackson went on first. He was crazy amazing! He gave me a small wave like 'we haven't met but I know of you'. Then Olivia came on. She's really nice and chill in person. But on stage her innder Disney Princess caem out and she was really perky. Like really perky.. But she wasn't a bad singer.

     When waiting fo rthe guys to come on, I noticed someone sit down next to me. I turned. "Hey, you're Tess right?" It's Alexa. AKA: Carlos' girlfriend. I knew she was coming on tour, I just didn't think it would be so fast. "Hey, and yeah." I smile. We just continued to talk until the guys came on.

They were AMAZING. I'm so proud! Some girls behind us wanted to take a picture or two with me. Of course I did, I'm not fucking Beyonce or anything. I'm normal. I don't get why people want pictures with ME.

    I went backstageso I would be there by the time they got off. Kendall walked over to me. "You were great." I tell him. "Thanks T." he says, and goes to give me a hug. "Don't touch me, you're sweaty and gross. I love you but do not touch me." I laugh. We got back to the hotel and Kendall and James showered first.

    I took mine after. It was about 11 when I got into bed. I took my phone and looked on Instagram - or as I now call it 'Land Of Hate'. Kendall turned over to me. "Might wanna sleep now. I'm waking you up before 10 tomorrow." he chuckled. "How long before?" i ask. "About 8 ish." he says. I continue on Instagram. My mentions are blowng up because those girls obviously posted the pictures om here.

'Ew her face'

'She's only liked because she's Kendall's lost puppy

'She really needs to get her teeth fixed.'

    I just dropped my phone on the table next to meand I turned with my back to Kendall. "You okay...?" he asks hesitantly. I just nod my head and try to sleep.

Next Day

 "Hey wake up. T get up." I felt someone shaking me. I open my eyes and see James. "Hey, Kendall already took all of your stuff to the bus, just grab your phone and we'll go. Hurry, it's already 8." James says. "It's too early to move." I groan. He sighs and picks me up and carries me to the bus. All I remember is being put down on the couch.

    When I woke up, i checked the time. 12:03 pm. And what is waiting for me on Instagram? Kendall really needs to stop taking pictures of/pertaining to me.

'She doesn't deserve to be taken care of by him'

'They should've put her in a foster home'

'Why is she so ugly? Makeup won't fix that honey.'

    How does Kendall not see this? Just then, he cme over. "Hey. We're at a rest stop, everyone got off to get some food or something.Wanna come with me?" he asks. "Sure." i say tired. "You okay?" he asks again. "Yeah, fine." i repy. "Alright, but I'm gonna keep and eye on you." he playfully moves his eyebrows up and down. We got up and went into the small store.

    We found some movies, and we bought them and ran back to the bus before anybody else could get the back. Carlos and Alexa came back to watch the movie they got. "Better luck next time kids." Kendall laughs. Carlos just shakes his head and goes to the front. After they left, Kendall put the movie in and we cuddled up.

    About half way through the movie, James came back. "Other people wanna use the back too you know." he laughed. "You can watch too." I say. "Okay. James sits near me. I thought he looked lonely. So i took the blanket Kendall and I were useing and sat with James instead. "Trader." Kendall quints his eyes at me. We just laugh and continue to watch.

    After the movie,we took a little break. "Dinner!" Carlos called. James and I got up, I had left my phone, unlocked on the table. "Be there in a sec!" Kendall called.


Hiya! Just tell me what you think. We have a ways to go before the sequel but I'll try to shorten it. Just tell me what ya think!

don't forget to read 'Lily's Story'

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