I Miss You

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Kamari's POV

I woke up a few hours later to see all my stuff in her guest room. Even the stuff sneak them carried with them. I sat on my bed dwelling on all the things  that happened in my life. It's like ever since my pops passed my life gets even more fucked by the day. I wanted answers and I needed answers now. I need to go visit my "so called uncle " . He got information that I need to let all this shit go. Not knowing that I'm on go to kill his ass. He fucked up in the brain if you killed yo brother/best friend over a bitch. She ain't even much worth it if ya ask me. I got up and walked down stairs only to see everyone there. Like can y'all let me breathe.....Damn. Sie-Sie ran up to me and hugged the life out of me. She let me go and stared back at me as everyone else followed her lead.

Me: I mean...can I have my face back?

Daisy: no hoe. I should slap yo ass. How you just gon walk away and don't answer yo phone knowing what just happened!?! If it wasn't for yung we would have known you was here.

Me: yea cause he seem to always find me with his stalki- ..... Wait yung? How tf you know him by that?

Sie: we know everything Mari. They told us..

Me: THEY WHAT? Why tf would y'all do that?

Aug: they was gon find out eventually

Daisy: yea and I want in

Sie: me too

Me: bruh y'all loosing focus. What y'all did yesterday was good and all .... But y'all not ready for that lifestyle.

Daisy: so me killing a bitch on my first go round means I ain't ready?

Me: daisy you have to unders-

I had got a message from a unknown number.

??: if you such a boss you should make sure you killed everyone in that bitch before you left. I will coming for you Mari 😈 and Imma be the one to end yo precious life. Sweet nightmares 😘

What the fuq? Who the hell is this? I looked at the message until Teek snatch the phone from me. He clenched his jaw as he read it.

Teek: wtf!!! Mfers must love getting they shit split. I ain't sparing no one no more dawg.

Me: Teek chill. It's nothing. It will be handled.

Teek: I know it will. Bee'lee dat.

I watched as my phone went from hand to hand . Once it got into August hand another one came. All you see was pure anger over August face. I got up and grabbed my phone and looked at my phone in disbelief. Like this shit can't be realistic... Some was watching me. It was a picture of me standing on 16th. I don't remember seeing any one when I was out there. I instantly got worked up  and could not stop shaking to save my life.

August's POV

Why tf can't she get a break.?! Everything that is hers gets taken away! I know I don't make it any better but I miss putting a smile on her beautiful ass face. Making her laugh and having a good time. The best thing that ever happened to me since my nieces is meeting Kamari Dixon.  I know I'm not her favorite at the moment but I will always protect her. I watched as she got up and ran to her new room. My baby hurt and there is nothing I can do. I got up and walked into her room.

Me: Mari ? Baby....it's going to be okay.

Mari: get.the.fuck.out!

Me: no Mari! You need me here whether you admit it or not.

Me: I said get the fuck OUUUTTTT !

She screamed as her fist banged on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her as she continued to hit me. She soon stopped seeing that I wasn't leaving.

Mari: A-Aug-Augussst! I F-fucking hate -youuuuu. Thai is a-all your damn f-fault . I wish I n-never fucking meet you. I h-hate you so m-much.

Me: I know baybeh. I know. Let it out.

Mari: Why am I always getting targeted? E-ever since my p-pops past my life has b-been a living h-hell. I just want my b-brother and f-father baaaaaccckk! I miss them so much. August I n-need them right now 😭😭😭.

Me: I'm sorry Mari. I know you hurting right now but it will get better. I know you hate me but I will always love you 😔. I so so so sorry for the way I spoke to you and for putting you behind a bitch who wanted us dead. After all the things we been through I should of respected you more than what I did. You too much to me. I love you 😢

Mari: I can't just sweep everything under the rug August. You played me and betrayed me. You gon have to do a lot more than just say sorry! It takes time to fix that wound.

Me: I understand baybeh. I respect that you look tired. Get some sleep.

Mari: I was just sleeping.....

Me: Kamari...I can see it in your eyes you are still tired. Just rest ma.

She nodded and laid on the bed. I walked out the room and went back down stairs. They crew was just chilling and shit when out of nowhere I heat my name being called.

Mari: um August.....?

Me: yes love?

Mari: can you come lay with me?  I know we aren't cool or nun yet but I'm ki-

Me: it will be my pleasure.

She nodded and we walked back into her room. She got under the covers and as did I. She scooted back on me as I wrapped my hands around her. I missed this. I miss her. I miss us. I gotta get her back man. 💕✊🏾

Who fucking with Mari? 😠

How do y'all feel about daisy and Sierra joining the team? 💁🏾

What does August have planned out? 👁

Comment and rate 😈 tell me what you think

~ Laady_Yungin 😘

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