War Time

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Kamari's POV

I know y'all mad at me.... But I couldn't do it. August is a good guy and I don't want to hurt him. It's. Best for us to just stay friends. Why you asked? Because I never been involved with anyone. I never had the chance to. I had to grow up fast because something I cherished most was taken from me. Something I can never get back. So no I don't want to get involved with August because I don't know what it is like to have feelings for someone. We just need to leave everything at business. Nun more nun less.

-The next day-

I walked into the trap since I was suspended from school and didn't have any thing to do. I was greeted by a couple of my boys as I made my way to the back. He was there. Headphones in just vibing to his music. I didn't want to be awkward so I walked pasted him and started to watch tv. I felt the couch shifted to the right . There wasn't no point of me turning my head because I smelt his cologne from where I was sitting.


Me: KD

Him: KD can we talk about yesterday.

Me: there is nothing to talk about

Him: really 😑✋🏾 you know we need to talk about it

Me: 😂😂 look we kiss..so what no big deal. I mean you clearly said I wasn't feeling you so 💁🏾


Him: yo you gookin ma. So you don't even have the slightest crush on me

Me: you a cool guy and all but I need to focus on john and school not you. So I would appreciate it if you would just drop your feelings for me so we can get back to business 😏

Him: whatever you say boss 😒 ( gets up and walks out)

Damn. I'm so confused that ion even know what to do .

-2 months later-

August doesn't even speak to me . Like damn I know you mad and all but I have a grade to get and he not cooperating with me and shit.

I walked into the cafeteria and searched for him. Once I saw him I made my way over to his table and I spoke.

Me: hey August

Him: ( turns around looks me up and down and turn back around) Geah

Me: can I talk to you?

Him: naah I'm busy spending time with my girl.

Julie. That's his fucking girl. 😂 bet.

Me: it's about our project.

Him: what about it?

Me: we need to work on it.

Him: we just talking about what we learned about each other and I know enough about you.

Me: August ser-

Him: naah fuck you . You played me . So please leave me the fuck alone.

Me: but au-

Him: so you just gon go against the grain and still try to talk to me? You wanna talk let's talk. Let's talk about how your moms a junkie. Or how she is dating the nigga who raped you and killed your brother. Or even better let's talk about how you ain't shit. You don't have a car ...no one wants you and your brother is turning in his grave right now because you're a disappointment. So what else do you wanna talk about?

Me: 😢😭 nothing absolutely nothing.

I grab my belongings and headed to the trap. Some nerve this nigga got. I confided in him and he tells the whole school my business. This is the time I need my brother the most . To tell me everything is alright. 😔

August's POV

I swear I didn't mean what I said to her. I was just so caught up in my feelings that I didn't realize what I was saying. If she ain't like me before she hates me now. I left school and went home. I called up Julie and told her to come thru. 

15mins passed and she showed up. She already knows what to do when I'm stressed. I light a blunt and watch as she goes to work. Some how I was not feeling it and told her to leave. I grab my keys and head out to the trap. Hopefully she isn't there but if she is I would to deal with the consequence.

I had to park a lil far because it seemed like the trap was throwing a lil party. I walked in the trap house and there was liq and weed everywhere. Music blasting and people all over the place.  Then I spotted her making her way to an empty room and I followed.

Me: hey Mari 😞

Her:😴 what ?

Me: I want to apologize to you. I was outta line for saying those things to you just because I was hurt. I know you hate me but we work together and I just want to start over.

Kamari's POV

Started over? Has he lost his rabbit ass mind. Ain't no start over bih.

Me:(chuckles) yo you mad hilarious. Start over? For what. You know what I don't even blame you yung. I fucked up by telling my struggle to someone I thought I could trust. Funny right? Well ya know since there isn't any future between us let me get everything out and into the open. I had very strong feelings for you. The day I stopped kissing you was because I didn't want to hurt you. I ain't know how to be romantically involved with someone let alone you. So I let my guard up and fell back. The reason you are mad is be-

Him:no Kamari I am sorry. I should of kept fighting for you ma. I gave up to quick.

Me: ya done?(he nods) anyways I mad you do those things because I hurt you. Something I was tryna avoid. So it's best if you just leave me alone . Go back to your girl and do you. I'll figure out something when it comes to our grade.

Him: I can't just leave you. I n-


Him: ok

And with that I broke down and cried myself sleep. I never been this emotional.

-a week later-

I haven't seen August since that day of the party . He hasn't been to school and I'm worried bout him. I asked sneak about him and he says he haven't heard from him. I mean it's still fuck him but I am worried because this is unlike him.The sound of my phone interrupted my thoughts as someone was calling me .

??:this KD.
Me: who's asking?
??: don't worry about that lil bitch

Excuse them? I heard someone in the background say something but I couldn't make out the voice.

Me:who tf is this?what do you want.

??: I want you cupcake. And If I can't have ya your lil boyfriend dies.

Me: don't you dare hurt him John . I will fuck you up.

John: whatever. Just meet me in the alley by your self and I will let him go.

Me: yeah I hear you lemme talk to him.

Him: baby girl don't get involved I will be fine. I promise I don't want nothing to happen to you please don't go .

Me: no August (sniffles) I am coming to get you .

Him: baby no please stay. I'm fi-

I hang the phone up. He's been playing with me for too long. If it's war he wants its war he gets. By any means necessary.


What does John want with Kamari?
Is she really going to go by herself ?
How did he get August?
Why doesn't August want KD to come?

Comment & rate. Tell me what you think! 🤔

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