".... Im going away...."
I was ready to collapse to the floor. My knees began to feel wobbly just thinking of him not here, leaving me. I never thought I would hear those words, honestly. Why didn't I know this would happen? He obviously wasn't happy, so of course this would happen. It just never crossed my mind. I quickly gripped the rail beside Cody's bed to keep myself up and stable.
"What do you mean by 'away'?" I mumbled.
He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He eventually took a seat by Cody's bed and pat beside him. I quickly stumble to the other side of the bed and carefully sit on the edge, not wanting to injure or disturb Cody.
"I've been thinking... for a while, that I wasn't the best mate in the world...,"he admits," ... And I was ,and still am, being a complete ass since I..."
"Kidnapped me." I interrupt. he huffs and decides to look at me since he wasn't before.
"That doesn't matter to me anymore, you know that right?" I ask reassuringly. He continues on without answering the question.
"I'm trying to make this as easy as possible, Crystal." He says frustratedly. I let him continue not wanting to frustrate him any further.
"I just... we need time by ourselves to figure this out. And I think its coming in at the best time." He finishes. I look down in my lap and try not to let the tears fall.
"It doesn't feel right, you leaving." I whisper. he looks down at his lap, staring at the floor, never leading his eyes away from the tile.
"I know, but we have to try. it's the only way to fix this."
Suddenly, I felt anger. Not because he just thought about how rough his actions are or the fact he thinks it's all his fault, which it wasn't, it was mostly mine. But it was the fact that he'd dare say it was the only way to fix what is wrong with our relationship, our communication. I felt my body become warmer in this sickeningly cold room.
"The 'only' way? is that how you want to put it?" I ask furiously, as a tear slips from my eye.
"You really think its the only way to fix this? Leaving me? Because that solves every thing ,right? Running away from your problems?"
I wait for a response but never receive one as I sit in silence. I sigh.
"You need to wake up." I choked, aggressively standing up from off the bed while sniffling the tears away.
I was left on my own too many times. been hurt too many times. And his option is to go? leaving would create erupt mass emotions that I can't describe nor want to experience. We'd hate each other when he returned, at least I would. We would be at each others throats and cause destruction. We would tear each other apart and this pack down with us. As much as I hate and don't want to admit it, I hate being alone. We would both suffer, and he knows that. My arm is suddenly tugged back to where I was sitting on the bed, almost tripping in the process. I don't see his face, and I'm not prepared to. His hair covers his face as it's still faced to the floor. Not a sound nor a word was exchanged between us for the longest time. It felt like decades were passing by. Finally he speaks.
"I don't know what I'm doing. I've always lived with running away from my problems. I was never taught any other way to resolve. Except when I was young and when my mother was still around. That's why I act cold, like an ass and strange around you. Because no other woman, besides Jordan, had ever loved me or gave me this treatment you give me like you have after my mother died. It's something I haven't gotten used to and damn it, I wish I knew how, but its like starting new habits. It takes me time. Thats why I run because the time is either too long or never enough."
He looks at me with pleading eyes, hoping and praying to god I could see his way of seeing the world. That I understand from his point of view of things so we can fix what we screwed over.
But the thing is, I've already understood what he thinks i'll understand. I've see his struggles and weaknesses, I've seen beyond his pain that makes him vulnerable in front of strangers and even me. Every key movement he made, every emotion he revealed to me, every small little detail I took notice of, It never changed what I thought of him. I've seen what brings out his dark and cold side that it sends shivers up my spine. I've already understood why he shuts me out. It was since the beginning that I knew he wanted to learn how to love and be loved by the ones who care for him. I've seen him suffer that it hurts me the most. But he doesn't think that i've known why he acts as he does or know why he treats me this way. If only he knew why I even wanted to fix this in the first place. So I don't see him suffer anymore that he has so I can fix him. That's all I ever wanted.
Tears began to slip one by one down my cheek as my emotions took over my actions. I took his chin between my small fingers and made him face me before I crashed my lips onto his.
Yeah we are broken.
But that doesn't mean we can't put our hearts back together, together.
We just have to find another way.
A/N: Sorry for the super long wait. School sucks, school sucks and.... Oh yeah! This ones new!!......... School fucking sucks. But, good news is I should be updating more frequently than I have previously. I kind of forgotten where I was going with this book. That would be why it's taking so long to update these chapters. But now I'm on the right track and you should be seeing me update more often on this absolutely. Wonderful. Story!( que sarcasm) lol. But seriously, I hope you enjoy! Because I'm baaack suckaaaas!!!
The Alpha's Angel
RomanceHe starts to stir his tart coffee with a small miniature black straw. Twirling it into small circles while letting his mind wander. But This man was no ordinary man. He had the looks of a charmer that girls would fall for, beautiful swept to the sid...