Chapter 5 - The Change

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I pulled away quickly. What was I doing? I didn't love him. That night was a mistake. I started to stutter and ran my hand through my hair, then I rushed upstairs and slammed the door to my room. I started to hypervintilate and I breathed heavily. I couldn't love him. I couldn't love damon. Stefan was my first real, certain love. I loved him. Not Damon. Damon was just a mistake. Just a horrible, tragic mistake. I started to breath slower and closed my eyes. Then I heard my door open and my eyes shot open.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to be rude, I just wanted to be rude. But it was too late my hormones had token over. "Get out!" It sounded angry but I didn't mean it to be. I knew that would just start a fight and I regretted, saying anything. "Elena.." Damon said cautious and walked towards me. "Get out!" I yelled and there it was. The worst thing that I would ever do, Damon turned back to face me after I had smacked him right acrossed the face with my right hand. Damon clentched his teeth and turned his head alittle "Elena..". Damon grabbed my arms all of a sudden, tightly but not meaning to hurt me in any way. I struggled trying to get out of his grip and breathed heavily. "Damon! Let me go! I don't want you here! Just let me go!" It started out as a scream and a command then it turned into a cry, a plead.

Damon shook me gently, "Elena!" He shook me again "Elena calm down!". My breathing slowed as I looked up into his slight anger struct, yet concerned eyes. He could only do that. Be angry and have concern at the same time. I wish I could do that. Over my anger and frusteration, I totally forgot about the life that was living inside me. "I-I.." I said, now calm but he still had each of his hands gripped onto each of my arms. "It's ok..." Damon said softly. He let my arms go and one of my hands slowly went to my stomach and I looked down at it.

I felt his hand softly stroke my arm and he kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes and leaned into the kiss on my forehead, instead of normally pulling away and slapping him. My arms slowly wrapped around his neck and I could tell he was hesitant about wrapping his arms around me but he did, slow but surely.

A small smile appeared on my face and I could tell one appeared on his too. I pulled away from him slowly and looked into his light blue eyes and smiled alittle more. Damon's smile was gone and he was looking into my eyes. I looked at his eyes then looked at his lips. I start to move towards him, closer and closer. Wait, What was I doing?? But I couldn't control it. It was consuming. Before I knew it, I was on his lips, kissing him deeply and he was too, not surprisingly.

Author's Note:::: I will post another Chapter when I get 2 likes. :3 Thank you all for reading my story and giving feedback :)

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