Chapter 7 - The Disaster

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**Elena's POV**

I felt something crack in my back and let out a cry, it hurt so bad. I wasn't just scared for myself, I was scared for my baby, my little precious life that was living inside of me. My breathing was shaky and my body was getting slightly cold, which was worrying me. "d-damon.." I chocked out and gasped alittle, I opened my eyes slowly seeing the crushed expression on his face hurt me so much. I looked down quickly as Damon helped me up, I didn't know where he was taking me but I would wait it out and not question him about it. 'Come on. I'm taking you to the hospital, coming stefan?.." Damon said and then asked looking at Stefan now but kept moving alittle and then finally when he didn't answer, Damon took me to the car and helped me inside.

I looked out the window once I got in the car and Damon shut the door, I saw Stefan, just standing there. I smiled a soft smile at him and then placed my hand on my stomach instinctively, the pain was gone now but that didn't stop Damon from taking me to the hospital. I removed my hand from my stomach as Damon backed out of the driveway and waved bye to Stefan, I saw him nod his head and I smiled alittle more, he wasn't completely ignoring me now, he still cared.


Once we got to the hospital, Damon helped me out of the car but I kept telling him over and over that I felt fine, that the baby was fine, but he didn't listen. I let out a breath as we entered the hospital, I hated hospitals, nothing ever good came out of going to the hospital but I hoped that that wasn't the same for me and my baby.

Damon helped me sit down and then went to go check me in and check if my usual doctor was there which he was of course, he always was. Damon came back a few minutes later with a bottle of water and he handed it to me, 'Here the doctor said to drink this, he thinks you might've not been drinking enough fluids..' Damon said. Right?, I hadn't eaten or drank much, in the last couple days, and now it was certainly catching up with me as a wave of nausea and dizziness approach me slowly and I covered my mouth as my vision became blurry and I blacked out.


I woke up later and groaned as I opened my eyes, noticing the bright lights in my eyes and noticing I was in a hospital bed. My vision was blurry but I could tell someone shut the blinds. "Thank you.." I said as I sat up with my arm over my stomach, knowing that it was either Damon or a doctor or nurse. "My pleasure.." Wait, oh hell, it was a voice I never would think of hearing while I was here, it was Stefan's.

"What are you doing here?.." I asked trying to sound as happy as I could be, but actually I was stressed and worried. I looked around the room seeing Damon was standing at the door, staring at Stefan. 'I wasn't just gonna ignore the fact that you're in the hospital, Elena...You were my girlfriend once or..twice..and I love you..' Stefan said and all I did was smile alittle, I could do was smile.

"Well..thank you for caring.." I said as I looked from Stefan to Damon again and he gave me a nod. I let out a breath and then cleared my breath, "Stefan...I need to tell you something..Those pains weren't just from a stomach bug...It was life threatening...not just to me...but..the baby.."

'the baby?! what the hell are you talking about?!' Stefan shouted, confused and it made me cringe as he yelled and tears filled my eyes, His yelling was upsetting me, It was usual. "I'm sorry!..I.." I said and then I was interrupted by Damon saying, 'Brother calm down.." Damon placed his hand on Stefan's shoulder and I watched as Stefan grabbed Damons arm and threw him at the wall and I paniced and pushed the nurses help button. I didn't know what else to do, Stefan was acting like himself.

I watched as he turned to me and veins were on his face and I gasped but they soon dissapeared when the nurses came in and escourted him out and a doctor helped Damon up and Damon pretended to groan that he was in pain, and he was doing incredibly well for acting, he actually looked like he was in pain. Damon told the doctor that he could leave and that everything was fine now and he shut the door as the doctor left.

"Everything's fine now..Everything's going to be ok..' Damon said as he sat in the chair beside the hospital bed. I wiped my eyes as I asked, "Can you lay with me?..". Damon nodded as I scooted over and he laid beside me. I let out a breath as he stroked my hair and I closed my eyes, the feeling of his presence beside me, made a shiver go down my spin and made me smile alittle as I felt myself going under, falling asleep.


{No one's Perspective. NO POV.}

When Elena woke up later, light was shining bright in her face and she groaned alittle as she sat up and covered her eyes. Elena uncovered her face as she heard the curtains shut and looked over at whoever shut the curtains, Elena gasped as she saw who it was, it was Katherine. "What the hell are you doing here?!" Elena growled and she bit the inside of her lip, terrified as she heard Katherine chuckle under her breath.

".... I came to see you cupcake.." Elena heard Katherine say and then saw her farmiliar smirk show up on the doppelgangers face.

"Where's Damon?!?!" Elena snarled and stood up quickly and intinctively put her arms over her stomach but she hadn't noticed she had done so. Katherine raised her brow, "now what is that?" Katherine said as she pointed to Elena's stomach, "..more importantly..who's the father?.." Katherine sounded pissed. Katherine crossed her arms as she walked closer towards Elena.

"oh don't get your bitchyness in a twist cupcake, he's in the hospital cafeteria, I'll be gone before he even knows I'm here," Elena watched Katherine as she said that and then she looked around the room, looking for an easy exit. Elena looked towards the hospital door and then looked at the window behind Katherine. Elena took a deep breath as she moved quickly towards the door but she wasn't quick enough, Katherine already standing in front of the door.

Katherine grabbed Elena by the hair and looked her straight in the eye, 'Oh cupcake, you look terrible.." Katherine said as she examined Elena's facial features. Her pale skin, her weak doe eyes, her shaky limps and her slight colorless lips. "NOW. Who's the father?.." Katherine asked and rolled her eyes as she heard Elena groan. "D-Damon!" Elena yelled out and Katherine let go of her speechless and let out an amused chuckle and Elena fell to the floor. Katherine turned her head to the door alittle and yelled out, "Hear that Stefan?! You're not the father!". Elena breathed slowly as she watched the hospital room door and Katherine moved out of the way and Stefan entered. He looked really pissed, as he walked towards Elena, but he certainly didn't look like himself. "My job here is done.." Katherine said as she smirked and started out of the room and then she felt someone grasped her throat and looked at the face, seeing Damon and he threw her at the wall and she hit it hard. Elena watched as Katherine leaned up and then jumped out of the window, shattering it.

Elena stood up slowly as Stefan got closer to her and then said breathlessly, "Stefan...I--" Tears filled Elena's eyes as she watched Stefan as he just stared at her and said nothing and then he left. Elena chocked through the tears and then looked down at her stomach. She was crushed, she didn't know what to do.


Well there it is, Chapter 7! Everyone's been waiting a while for it. Sorry it wasn't a cliffhanger. I didn't want to put one because I'm gonna post another one tonight that may or may not have one, but who cares! They'll be another chapter tonight! P.S.;; KATHERINE'S A VAMPIRE.

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