Chapter 8 - The Feeling

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{Two Days Later. No one's POV}

Elena sighed as she got the put the last of her clothes in a bag and zipped it up. Elena turned to face Damon with the bag in her hand. "Alright, I'm ready to go home." Elena said with a soft smile and Damon took the bag from her and held her hand with the other hand. Elena's intinct would be to pull away quickly but she just held it tightly, it was clear enough that she had lost Stefan, but maybe she hadn't but right now, that's what she thought.

Elena walked out to the car with Damon, he let go of her hand as opened the passenger side and then put the bag in trunk. Damon shut the car door once Elena was in and he walked around to the driver side. Damon got into the driver side and looked over at Elena for a second before cranking up the car and then driving home.

The drive home was a drag, Elena replayed the previous day in her mind, she couldn't stop thinking about it, it was haunting her. Elena could feel Damon's blue hues staring at her every once in a while when they got to a stop light but she refused to look at him, if she looked at him, she'd break. And she couldn't let that happen----not yet.

Once he was home, he got out and went around to the passenger side and opened the door for Elena, "I can open doors, you know?" Elena said and then Damon chuckled. "Yeah, but you've been through that's the least I can do.." Damon said once he got the bag out of the trunk and shut the trunk. Damon curled up his lips, not wanting to upset Elena. But he knew he probably did, because he frowned once he saw the hurt expression on her face, it wasn't what he said, it was the feeling and memories that came with what he said.

"Come on, lets get inside.." Damon said as he walked inside with Elena, shutting her car door for her.


The day went on slow as usual, Elena spent most of her time in her room sitting on the rather large window sill, thinking about what had happened the previous day. The whole thing on repeat, Stefan finding out the baby wasn't his, Katherine showing up and ruining everything.

Damon came in with a rather large cup of tea, Elena gave him a small smile as she reached out her hand and took the tea from him. "Thanks." She said as she grasped the cup of tea tightly in her hands almost to where her knuckles had turned white if she had held it any tighter.

Elena let out a breath as she looked at the cup of tea and then looked over at Damon and trickles of tears ran down her cheeks, "I'm really a horrible person, aren't I?.." Elena said, she had told herself this over and over since she had gotten home and she had almost convinced herself that she really was a horrible person. She also made herself think that Damon would agree with her, and she knew as soon as he gave her that familiar look of disagreement struck his face as soon as she finished speaking that he disagreed with her.

Elena let out a muffled breath and then laid the cup of tea down beside on her, scooting closer to the window making sure she didn't knock it over. She glanced over at Damon before laying her head against the window and then placing her hand on her hand stomach and small smile appeared on her lips, "I wonder if it'll be a boy or a girl....." Elena said and then gave her stomach a couple soft strokes before picking up her tea cup again and taking the last few sips of it and then handing it to Damon as she stood to her feet.

"Hey--hey, maybe you should rest for a while, its been a long and stressful...couple of days.." Damon spoke to Elena and Elena shook her head, "I've been resting and it's 5pm now...I think I've rested enough.." Elena said as she crossed her arms, the pregnancy hormones fueling her attitude.

Damon sighed and then nodded alittle, "alright Elena. whatever, it's your choice.." Damon said and then kneeled down pressing his lips against Elena's stomach. Elena tensed up, not completely used to it yet, the pregnancy was still alittle foreign to her.

Elena slowly untensed the nerves in her body and then ran her hand through Damon's hair. She didn't want to show that he had affected her in that moment but he had and her body had immediately showed it like butterflies fluttering in her stomach.----And then she had realized there was a feeling of butterflies in her stomach, a real feeling. A little pitter patter movement a crossed her stomach and then a realization hit her----it was the baby kicking.

Sorry this chapter is again so short BUT ATLEAST ITS UPDATED! It's been a whole year AND A HALF since I've updated this story and I felt like I finally wanted to continue it even though Delena is no longer canon and some of the people I will include in this story are dead now.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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