Chapter 56: Couples

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{Takumi's P.O.V.}

I see Hana going through her gate and locking it after, and as soon as she turns around and sees me, I wave at her. As she saw me do that, she smiles and waves back at me and she lightly blushes too...

This'll be the first time me and Hana are going out as a couple...

Although, we won't be alone since it's another group outing. But even so, I'm still happy to be able to spend even just a little time with her. Besides, I've got to to cherish every moment we are together as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Haha! That was too corny... Even for me!

"Hey Hana!" I say as soon as I reach her, "You ready for today's outing? ... And to also tell our friends?"

She blushed and nods, "As ready as I'll ever be, I guess..."

"Don't get too nervous. Remember that I've got your back, alright?"

"I know... Thank you Takumi-kun..."

"You know... You can drop the honorifics now that we're dating?" I say to her and her cheeks redden up even more.

"B-But! I'm not used to it!"

"Aw c'mmon! You've been calling me by my first name for almost a year now, so why not call me without the 'kun'?"


"Let's hear it!" I snort at her.

"T-Takumi... kun."

"So close! Once more..."

She blushes harder, "T-T-Tak-ku-kumi..."

"Atta girl! Although, it will need some getting used to." she nods and I smile at her while she pouts at me. I then extend my hand out for her and ask, "Shall we go then?" she slips her hand in mine and we walk towards the park.


{Hana's P.O.V.}

The place where our friends said that we would get together would be by the biggest cherry blossom tree in the park. I'm thinking it's the tree where Takumi confessed to me. We have a lot of explaining to do for our friends and I hope nothing really changes in our group's relationship, well, maybe the guys won't be pursuing me any longer.

Arriving at the park, they were by that same Sakura (A/N: Cherry Blossom) tree. "Hey you two!" called out Ami, but her eyes then widened as she was shocked that me and Takumi came hand in hand. Everyone then turned to look at us and everyone had that look on them like they were ready to bombard us with questions.

"What is the meaning of this?!" exclaimed Ami.

"Uhhh... Uhmm..." I was nervous out of my wits and couldn't even say it out.

But Takumi raised our intertwined hands and spoke out, "It is exactly what it looks like."

"Oh Em Gee! When did this happen??! How did it happen?! Spill the beans!!!" The girls squealed out.

"Well, it happened on the night of Hana's birthday..." Takumi starts explaining everything as we take a seat with everyone and I also apologize to Takai and Ringo that I can't say yes to them. They were sad, but they accepted my choice and said that they would support my decision, and of course, they said that if Takumi hurts me, they would sweep me off my feet and make me happier.

The others didn't look so shocked, since they already had some intuition that I'd really choose Takumi in the end. They all cheered on us and we were a little shy in receiving their blessings.

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