Chapter 7

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Selena's POV

I'm still in startruck mode ever since ashley asks that

Am i pregnant?

Am i?

I mean i just vomitted no worries but the fact that i become dizzy and sensitivity on cheese then the mood swings and having late period makes me push to the reality

But how can i get pregnant?

My stomach turns again when i remember me and justin not using f*cking condom and me not getting in birth control

But it just happened once, i- this is impossible some people took like years to to try i can't just get pregnant from one single time, can i?

I place my hand slowly in my abdomen gently caressing it not wanting to puke in taylor's car

"Taylor where we going?" I ask when i cam back to my senses

After the bathroom thingy she's like asking me to go out with her she said she's going to buy something

Dude it's like 3 in the morning what does this girl want food?

Oh yeah i wasted the pizza -__-

"We're going to buy you a pregnancy test" she mutters directly

I look at her

"Tay it was probably just nothing it maybe a condit-" I've been cut when she slap the stirring wheel but i can't sense she's mad instead i see frustration on her eyes

"Bullsh*t selena! A condition really? Then give me a one f*cking condition that's like that oh yeah pregnancy!" She mocks as i pout

Somehow i feel nervous about being pregnant who wouldn't right? i mean possibilities and a lot of things can happen

"But it's like 3 in the morning" i muttered starting to tense up

"I don't give a flying f*ck we need to find out about as soon as possible or it will keep bugging me until explode and yes i can't wait until morning soo sit your ass down and stfu" she says as zip my mouth not wanting her to explode

Finally after a few minutes of silence she stop by in a drug store which us open 24 hours she tells me to stay soo i did when she came back she have like 4 pregnancy tests with her i look at her confuse as she raises her eyebrows

"Why is there 4?" Don't we only 1 or something? Or is she going to check too? 0_0

"We have to make sure ok?" I nod at her as i took 2 of it and put in my pocket

After a few minutes of driving taylor decided to go back to Ashley's house right after the car stops i hurriedky goes out as taylor calls my name i ignored her and continuesly goes inside and i saw courtney and ashley in the kitchen chatting and dringking something

They both call me when they saw me but i ignored them and continuesly goes upstairs to a room where i suppose to sleep tonight

I lock the door as i place tge pregnancy test on the side table near the bed and i banged my body to the bed

"Selena open this d*mn door!!" I heard taylor scream with full abger on her voice as she continuesly slam the door

"Taylor don't break my door you biatch!" I shrugged when i heard ashley complained downstairs

"Taylor give her time" i heard vanessa mutters softly close to my door

"Fine!" Taylor says with full frustration on her voive as i hear them walking away from the door

I started tyo close my eyes and tried to forget justin as his face shows everytime i blink

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