Chapter 9

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Selena's POV

My lips tremble as i speak tears are now falling down

"Ar-are yo-you n-not hap-py for m-e?" I ask shakily as she stoods up i see anger in her eyes

This not the reaction i expected i expected that she'll be happy for me now i will never be alone who am i kidding who's going to be happy? Look at me i don't have the father of my child and worse of all he's justin bieber the love of my life

"Selena this is soo f*cked up!! You can't be pregnant! What are peoples going to say?!" A sudden anger flash through i stare confidently at her wide blue eyes

"You know what? I don't give a sh*t on what they're going to say! I know this time what I'm doing is right and i will keep this baby whether you like it or not!" I spat as i saw hurt on her face suddenly i felt guilty

"Selena you know that's not what i meant, yes I'm happy but I'm also worried what will they say to the baby? Mistake? Accident? Never meant to be born! Selena that baby is entering such a cruel world" she says tensing up

I look at my lap feeling extremely sad that i can't keep the baby

"But we can try right?" I says hoping she'll say yes

She sigh in defeat and i felt my heart jump

"Okay well eat and take a bath we're going to visit your family" my face light ens when i heard the word family but also i got really tense would they like the news or they're going to be extremely anxious like Taylor?

I scrapped the thought when taylor asks again

"You wanna tell them? Or let them figure it out?" She asks as i think

"I'll tell them" i smile as she nods and and smile sweetly and left the room

I eat as i unwelcomingly taught about justin and what's he's doing know i mentally snore when a dirty yought flush threw me

Probably pleasuring himself

I eat whole bowl of parfait making sure there's nothing left i grab some chocolate milk on the fridge not caring if it' Ashley's and i ignore my pickles for the first time

The Aftermath (#2 Jelena Series)Where stories live. Discover now