The birthday gift that changed my life

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Madys pov

This was all just to much to take in,and why didn't mom ever tell us we are a royal family that's so awesome why would you hide that?

This is turning out to be a good birthday.

"So did you come back to live with is again?" Kate asked with excitement in her voice.

"No I came back to take you guy to live in the kingdom with me and your grandparents"

I spoke to soon now it's the best birthday!

"Mady in a couple of weeks you going to be crowned queen" my father said giving me a hug. I had forgot how his hugs felt.Wait in a couple of weeks im going to be queen.This day just keeps getting better and better.

"When are we leavening?"I hope it would be soon I was so excited.

"Today, if that's ok with all of you all"my father asked not knowing if we wanted to leave.

"Omg that would be great!" We all said a once.

"Well what are we waiting for let's go pack" I was already on my way to my room when I stopped.

"You don't have to pack you can just tell me what you like to wear and I will have it waiting at the castle for all of you" wow this is great I don't even have to pack I think I like be a princess.

"Can Bull come with us?" Jack ask picking up Bull.

"Sure he apart over the family to" dad said petting Bull on the head.

When we got outside and Tori April and Ashley came out of the limo tell me how cool and big it was inside,I told them that Danny was my dad and the I was a princess and I was moving.They were all sad to see my go and I was really sad to leave.We've all known each other since we were babies.

"I can't believe you leaving today we didn't even get to have a party for you" Tori said while wiping away tears.

"I know I'm really sorry"I said honestly

"Well good thing we have you gift with us" Ashley said handing me a purple glittery gift bag.I opened it and inside was a picture of all us on our horses in a pink frame with the words "we love you Mady" written all over it.

"Awww you guys,I love it" I said now I'm in tears now.I gave them all group hug not want to let go but I known I would have to.

"You better call us everyday and come visit" April said giving one last hug.

"I will ,I promise" I walk over to limo and got in, it was a cool as the girls said it would be. The floor and the celling were lighting up with different colors,there was a tv in there.

I rolled the window down and waved goodbye to the girls then sat back for the rest of the ride to the airport.

When we got to the airport we were escorted by five bodyguards all the way to the privet jet that was wait for us.When we were on the plane we were given drinks.

"Your grandparents are really excited to see you guys" dad said while taking a sip of his wine.

"Are hope they're nice" Kate said while coloring in her coloring book.

"They're really nice"dad said while picking Bull up and petting him.

*2 hours later*

"Mady wake up sweetheart" I was awakened by my mothers soothing voice.

As I walked out of the plane my eyes were attacked by the sunlight.When I got my vision back I couldn't believe my eyes , in front of me was the most beautiful castle I've even seen ok the only castle I've seen.

When we got inside one of the maids that worked in the castle showed me to my room I was just hoping I didn't get lose with all the turn and the castle was even bigger and more beautiful on the inside then on the outside.

"I hope you find everything to your liking your majesty" the maid said smiling.

"I will thank you" I said dismissing her

"Oh and happy birthday" she said with a smile and walked away.

I opened to two gold colored doors and walked into my room. I almost screamed the room was breath taking. The walls where a hot pink with a light pink glitter on them . My king sized bed had a zebra print blanket over it with matching pillows.The floor was made out of marble like the rest of the place.I walked over to the walking closet to see it was full with high hills , ball gown dress and cute shirts and skinny jeans ,shorts,and skirts.

I really didn't need to pack I had everything I need.I walked I've to my mirror and sat down and put my picture of me and the girls down and brushed my hair.When their was a knock at the door.

"Come in" I yelled

I must really be seeing things now,because at the door was a a really cute guys with blues eyes ,brown hair and looked like he work out but not to much.He looked prefect.

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