The demon within

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Two days after the fight

Selena has been puttingthe final pricesof her plan together. Hunter has slowly gained heat from friends of the bully he beat what he doesn't realize is he has painted a big target on his back. Both rias and sarif have been working hard to find a way to free hunter as selena has been working separate from them for some time now as they disagreed on how to free him as selena has been direct with her methods both riad and sarif wanted to stick to classic demon control from the shadows tactic wich has proven to be highly effective over the straight forward approach but as selena is still young so they decided to free him on two fronts but something was put in the way that Selena did not see.

"Selena we found something you'll want to know" sarif said "it'll have to wait I'm on my way but I'll be late I'm following him now" selena replied "ok just hurry I we think what we have might lead a hand but just in case watch your back ok?" Sarif said "got it" selena replied. As she hung up she saw him hunter had been on his way to a friend's house for reasons unknown the only reason selena was following him the friend was a girl in her class who seemed rather close to him yet selena knew nothing about her. "So we're do we start" hunter asked "that dependson you" she replied they had stopped for a traffic light and were chatting abut something selena could here some things but not the full conversation as the cars in the background were affecting her hearing from the distance she was at "so how far is your place anyway?" Hunter asked "not far just a block or two from here" she replied *ring*ring* selena's phone was going off like crazy when she answered "selena you need to move NOW!!!" sarif screamed in the phone "why what's going on?" Selena replied "selena you need to move hunter is in danger the kid he beat up was in a gang and they're coming for him" rias called from the background "yeah they're planning to jump him on 9th Street and they're armed" sarif added (oh god in hunters condition he can't fight back) selena thought (and that girl she'll get raped in with him) she added she the hung up and ran to try and help him but by the time she got across the Crossway they had already fell in the trap as they passed by each ally more would come from the shadows till they had a group stop them "ok well um do you mind letting us passed please" hunter asked "fraid I can't do that" he replied "and why might that be" hunter asked "you beat up are boy so now we're gonna beat you up but you anit coming back from it I'm afraid" he replied "I see Montana stay behind me and stay low" hunter told her and then readyed himself for a fight Selena came around the corner as the fight Brock out the gang members had lead pips and knifes along with overwhelming number they soon bring him down to one knee but he would not any farther than that he just stayed like that rias and sarif ended up coming to help selena who was just stood watching as they beat him I t may have been only a minute but he was still there soon both rias and sarif were ruching in to help him they managed to make the gang members back off with pepper spray and a taser then they acted as of they were calling the cops.

After gangsters ran off and hunter stood up and sat down his friend rushed to his side "why did you help him?" She asked "no real reason we just know when to help others" sarif replied "either way thanks I owe you one" hunter said "no problem" sarif replied as they left selena sarif and rias stood there and waited then a small lapse in time showed the arua of an angel but only for a split second "you guys see that?" Selena asked "yep" sarif replied "yeah we should follow them right?" Rias replied "yes yes we should" selena said.

As they followed they noticed many sighs that this girl this Montana was and angel and she had something to do with Huntross's loss of memory so they tails them by rooftop till they came to place a apartment building with a plaza we then came down and stood in their way "what's going on how did you get here" hunter asked "or von ve slep(now fall into a deep sleep)" selena called as she waved her hand at him "tell us who are you really" selena asked "you found me out I'm guessing" she replied "oh yeah, angel" sarif replied "losp teme (stop time)" sarif called as she snapped her fingers every thing froze selena rias and sarif were in demon form "its a side effect of the time stop spell demons,angels and other nonhuman being takes their true forms when inside but it only covers a spastic area and thanks to you this plaza can now become a war zone " sarif said "so you lead us into a trap then trap us and kill us so who do I fight first or we go all out all at once" she asked

Devil's Among Us Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now