Brawl in the family

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"HOLY CRRRRAAAAPPPPP" Selena screamed falling from a steep slope

"Why are we falling from such a steep slope?" Rias asked

"No idea!" Loren replied. They screamed tumbling down the slope huntross had sent them to a random location on earth

"Huntross! Why did we fall!?" Selena asked
Huntross had used his wings to safely reach the ground but soon fell to his knees panting heavily

"A-are you ok brother?" Selena asked

"Yes I'll be ok just that took more than I thought it would that's all" huntross replied

"Well you did transport us from one half of the world to the other so I can imagine it would take a ton of power" Selena replied "but you did get everyone out in time so I see that as a victory in my book" Selena said

"Yeah I guess so" huntross replied and smiled slightly ("that was to close they almost got us I think it's time...time to go back to hell") huntross thought "hey guys I've been thinking why don't we return to hell make are next move from there" huntross said

"..." Silence from everyone no one said a word Selena rias and sarif knew what had happened while huntross was gone.

"Huntross..." Rias began

"The thing is...the thing is" Ross took a deep breath and told huntross the great tragedies that have plagued hell since he fell one year ago "After you fell in battle we tried to hold your army together but many of are soldiers were discovered, are spy's killed in public execution are leaders killed the 9 divine suppressed and in-prisoned or slaughtered the ,people murdered and in slaved the once prosperous community turned to a hell hole we had no choice but to leave or die like the others" rias explained "I'm sorry huntross I truly am but you were the only one who could have held together what was left" rias added

"I know" huntross replied "well if we have no support no reinforcements just us and are own strength" Huntross said "I think we can do it I think I'm finally ready to liberate my people and kill are tyrant King" huntross said with such inspiration

"And if you do kill him what then" a voice asked
Huntross quickly scanned his surroundings finding nothing he switch to his magic vision and found a single man

"Show yourself or face my flame" huntross demanded

"Alright my lord no need for violence" the man replied lowering his invisibility

"Clavus?" Huntross said shocked

Fourth son Richard Von Crimson younger brother to huntross Von Crimson, Selena Von Crimson, Edmond Von Crimson, and Marcus Von Crimson

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Fourth son Richard Von Crimson younger brother to huntross Von Crimson, Selena Von Crimson, Edmond Von Crimson, and Marcus Von Crimson. headmaster of the royal magic academy Clavas is a very powerful man but he is still young and many of the reasons he is where he is because of huntross's divine status.

"What are you doing here Clavas?" Selena asked

"I came to find you Selena but it appears I have found the man all of hell is looking for and as a servant of his majesty I must take action against you brother" clavas replied drawing a blade from his coat 

"if you wish a fight brother you will have it" huntross replied preparing for battle

the two stood opposite each other ready for combat clavas with his blade huntross with his power the fight has already been decided. "now brother die and restore our honor as the third and strongest house of hell!!!" Clavas called and charged Huntross stood his ground clavas continued his charge as he approached his brother he swung his blade multiple times the Clash of metal rings through the air.

"What the?!" Clavas asked Huntross smiled clavas slashed more and more yet only the sound of clashing metal could be heard more and more clavas slashed yet he couldn't make contact with Huntross.

"Brother have you learned nothing from me first you challenge me then you think you can win in a head on fight and after that during the fight you question how it is you are losing to me the third divine general and leader of the revolution so do you think it wise to continue this fight" Huntross replied clavas thought about this for a brief moment.

"No i don't care if it's wise it's what I must do to restore the honor of the house of Crimson and bring balance back to hell and its people" clavas said and changed once more putting a great deal of power into his blade till it looked as if it was burning

"Fine come at me with all you have and face the power I have yet to find time to use" Huntross replied

As clavas drew near Huntross grabbed his blade Absorbing the power within it and redirect it into his hand punching clavas to the ground throwing the blade to the side.

"Now you see a piece of the power I now possess one of my massive Arsenal that I now control so please try once more to kill me" Huntross said gesturing for clavus to take shots  at him

"But if I don't kill you I can't move forward" clavas replied

"Move forward what do you mean?" Huntross asked

"His majesty promised if I kill you I can become the head of the family and the next divine general" clavas replied

"Oh really he lied once you killed me he would kill you that's how he works now I regret this but I also don't really" Huntross said and power punched him in the face knocking him out

"Ok let's move out clearly we need to return to hell and finish the fight I started a  year ago and probably kill Saran this try and if I die again so be it" Huntross said opening a portal to hell

"Wait what about the other sins don't we need to gather them" Selena asked

"Yeah that would help ok Sierra ,Loren you two gather the remaining sins and take him with you he can open a portal to get you there and Montana if we fail be ready to send in the calorie if you have to kill every demon in hell if you have to" Huntross replied

"On it" Loren replied

"Don't worry I've got your back" Montana replied

"One more thing rias would you..." Huntross started

"Not a chance" rias interrupted "I'm no leaving you to go die on your own with just sarif and your sister I'm not doing that again" rias added

"Ok I guess that understandable just don't die ok" Huntross said

"Ok hunter" rias replied laughing a bit

"Don't call me that please" Huntross replied shyly "ok let's go" Huntross added with that the team of four entered hell once again.

Sorry for not posting much for a while I've been really busy with family stuff so yeah sorry I'll try and fix this problem and update more in the future.

Devil's Among Us Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now