Hells knight

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Three days later

It's been three days Huntross has changed drastically his hair cut short his clothes changed to blend in with the crowds hell had become a dangerous place much more dangerous then when he had left many places had been destroyed to make way for concentration camps and slave labor camps satan had been preparing for his conquer of the human world and his unpreventable battle with heaven and its forces. Today Huntross and what was left of the rebellion would attack the Palace the rebel forces would attack the palace directly with assistance from sarif. Selena ,rias ,and Huntross would sneak in and confront Saran.

"Ok sarif go join the frontal assault team we will follow the plan and sneak in when most of the guards come running out" Huntross said

"Ok" sarif replied then joined

The team waited till a majority of how is guards were outside fighting sarif then they made their move they snuck you right through the front door

"Ok guys we shouldn't run into to much Trouble since sarif has them distracted outside but their is one thing but it can wait" Huntross said It took a bit but they found their way around the remaining guards and to the Royal chamber his majesties thrown room.

"Ok one last thing now sorry guys I really don't want to do this but I have to keep you safe" Huntross explained

"What are you talking about" Selena asked

"Huntross don't!!" Rias called Huntross pushed them back then threw up A force field around the door

"Sorry rias I have no choice but to face him alone" Huntross explained

"No you don't have to do this we can help you I don't want to lose you again brother" Selena replied

"I'll be fine" Huntross said then shut the door

As he walked up the stair way he saw his majesty sitting atop his throne staring out the window Huntross kneeled before his throne

"Your majesty I have returned" Huntross announced

"Hello Huntross I see you broke free from your mental prison" Satan replied

"Yes" Huntross said

"Now let me guess once again you are here to kill me" Satan asked

"Yes!" Huntross said lunging and stabbing Satan through the back with his sword Asterisk burning Satan's chest

"Shit your faster and smarter than before good" Satan called

Satan throw Huntross of him

"Ok Crimson time to die for real this time" Satan said

"Sorry my king but this time you die" Huntross replied

A/N[insert badass music here]

The two took their positions Huntross called his sword to him "come forth and bring hell to my hand thal-vadam" Huntross called {thal-vadam the holy sword held only by the Crimson family}

Devil's Among Us Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now