Hell's dream and sin's revenge

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After the celebration and multiple round's of alcoholic drink's huntross ,Selena ,rias ,and sarif were passed out all around his Apartments with Selena in a arm chair sarif in the floor and rias and huntross on the sofa but while asleep huntross's begin to talk in his sleep.

"No...no...no..you can't...you can't win...I...have to...to win" huntross mumbled in his sleep. In side his dream he see's what seems to be his second loss to lord Satan but this time it has a very gruesome twist.

[in his dream]
Selena Lay's against a wall with her blood dripping from her with her sword in the wall next to her sarif on the ground surrounded pool of blood with multiple daggers in her back rias pinned to the wall with arrow's dripping with blood but she is still awake but barely alive, then huntross is thrown across the room to the floor he is covered and dripping blood but he manages to stand with sword in hand he raises it to defend himself against Satan's attack but is no lounger strong enough to even do that and is quickly thrown again to the ground his sword shattered and laying next to him he quickly reaches for it what is stopped as Satan Jabs his own sword through huntross's hand
"Ahhhhhhhh!!!" Huntross screams in pain
"Why...why do you insist on making things difficult" Satan asked
" because.. I will not die because you wish to rule the world I want to survive and live to see another day and if that means I had to kill you I will go ahead and kill you" huntross replied
" such a shame you were such a great warrior I trust you now I have nothing left for you and I shall kill you" Satan said then took his sword raised it up and let it fall killing huntross but as the blade hit him he awoke.

"Aw" as huntross awoke panting he held his head "can I really do this?" He said to himself he slowly began to get up without disturbing rias who was sleeping with her head on his chest and curled up next to him he was rather unsurprising by this as she had a habit of curling up next to him every chance she had he felt as though they were sometimes more than just friends he had sometimes felt as though they were together, as he slowly lowered her head on a pillow and walked to the balcony of his apartment and just stare out upon the horizon The Starry Sky so beautiful and bright as the sliding glass door behind him begin to open he turned to see a dazed and sleepy rias stand there with her hair all Messy fluffed up you could tell she had just awoken he slowly turned back to the star's.

"Why are you out here huntross? It's like 2 in the morning" she asked

"Nothing really just gazing at the Star's" he replied

"Mind if I gaze with you" she asked

"I don't mind" he replied and she slowly walked to him wrapping her arms around his and propping her head on his shoulder.

"Huntross" she asked

"Yes rias" he replied

"Do you ever wonder if we would make a good couple?" She asked

"I don't know I guess I have thought about it but never in to much detail" he replied

"Then would you like to try it out?" She asked shocked he stopped to think if he said yes then he might put her in harms way but if he says no he could hurt her feeling.

"I don't know rias I don't think now would be the time for that I mean with all that's been going on I don't want you to end up hurt because of me" he replied

"But that doesn't answer me" she replied "would consider me as a lover or not" she added

"If You want the truth then yes I would consider you that way but I don't want to end up ruining our friendship if I'll even try something like that and have it blow up in my face" he replied

Devil's Among Us Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now