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This may sound completely Cheesy but I believe in love at first sight. Hours seemed like they lasted only minutes seconds ago. But that's probably just me.
As soon as I got home I went straight up to my room and charged my phone. I couldn't wait to tell Becca every last detail. My mind was so wrapped around the thought of Cole I didn't even notice Steven walk in. He had the look of disapproval and was crossing his arms like dad used to when he was upset.
"So who was that guy? "he said bluntly.
"What guy?" I choked
"You obviously know who I'm talking about " he said sternly
" Just some guy why do you care?" I said harshly I could tell my words stung him personally.
   " I don't he just seems like a creep" he bit back
" well maybe if you'd know him you'd realize he isn't"
"He seems like bad news I mean you were skipping school for heaven's sakes!"
    " you act like you've never ditched a day in your life Steven!"
  "Don't twist this on me !"
I then turned around and faced the wall trying not to let him see the redness on my face.
   " FINE GET MURDERED OR KIDNAPPED IM DONE!" He said turning around and slamming the door behind him.
Steven's outbursts were caused by his lack of control handling someone other than himself.
Cole never texted me that night or the last five days. As if he's gotten bored of the idea of me. With him I forgot how it felt to feel so alone and now that he's gone everything is so awkward.
Okay what's the deal? I finally texted him seconds later he replied
I've been pretty tired lately
For the last five days???
Has it really been that long?
Aww I'm sorry I promise we'll talk tomorrow but tonight I'm feeling pretty sleepy
Oh it's fine get some rest
Is it really okay with you?
  Not really I wanted to reply but I couldn't loose him now. Weird thing is I was actually afraid to lose him and my clinginess was probably driving him away.
Yeah of course
And with the lie that went through to his phone swelled up with guilt inside me.
   The next morning I was sluggish to get out of bed. I checked my phone on the dresser beside me but the 'no notifications ' notice just pushed me farther into mild depression
   There was a random knock at the door awakening me from my thoughts but without acknowledgement to enter the mysterious person barged into my room.
"Jamie! Girl I haven't seen you in ages" Becca said sitting on my bed ignoring that I'd just woken up.
  "What are you doing here?" I say
   "Well I decided to come over just like old times" she said flashing a toothy grin "and you haven't said anything about Prince Charming "
   " I wouldn't consider him Prince Charming just yet" I said sourly
   " so what's he like" she said eagerly
    "Well I met him about a week ago and he seemed sweet" Just based on the look on Becca's face you could tell she wanted details. " I mean when we met he planned out a date and uhm stuff"
  "Was he cute?" Becca said bluntly I could feel my cheeks boil red Becca just smiled at my embarrassment "Okay so that's a definite yes" she said signing an invisible check mark into the air.
  "So what's the plans for tonight " she winked
  " nothing " I blushed " we haven't talked much he's been tired lately"
   " What if he had some terminal disease"
" I'm 100% sure he doesn't have any types of cancers "

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