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  I had no choice but to follow Cole into his cabin out in the woods. He gripped my hand murderously as he pulled me inside. I felt like I was on a cheesy TV sitcom everything was neatly in place as if nobody ever stepped foot in there. What made the hairs on the back of my neck stand was how the lights were already on,

" Remember how I told you about our plan?" He finally said locking the door behind us. I nodded feeling the big lump in my throat getting bigger. " Well here it is" He smiled checking out the place again.  Part of me wanted to try and get away but the logical part of me told me I had no idea what he was capable of. So I tried to keep everything as natural as I could.

" This place is really nice" I chocked " Who's it ?"

" Mine silly" He said pushing my shoulder playfully as if I was supposed to know that trivia fact. " This is where our life begins sweetheart" he held my hand softly kissing it and putting it cheesily over his heart . I felt sick the way he seemed so different before made me want to loose my lunch.

" You do realize my family will start looking for me" I said yanking my arm away

" Do you really think I didn't plan this all out?" He said smirking falling back on the couch. I shrugged my shoulders " There's this thing called typed notes that can be sent periodically babe no one will ever know the difference"


"It's called pre-made notes. I made them as generic as possible" He winked

" I don't think I can do this Cole" I said softly

" It takes sometime to get used to you'll be fine"

" I have school to finish" I said weakly

"Does a G.E.D ring a bell?" he says a little harshly" You should probably go take a shower so we can cuddle on the couch you like Disney movies right?" I could tell he barely took my plea to thought. I turned my back to him and found the bathroom in the next hall.

  I looked into the mirror the person that was staring back at me seemed tired. I could feel Steven's glare baring hard at me screaming " I told you so!" over and over. I knew exactly what I had to do call me a geek but I watched tons of movies that dealt with situations like this. I would just play his game until I directed it my way

  I stepped into the walk in shower as if it were poisonous closing the glass door. I turned on the water letting the cold pour all over my clothes I finally felt my heart slow to a steadier pace. Turning off the water two minutes later I shut off the faucet I didn't even bother with washing myself with a towel. Walking into the living room I noticed Cole in the spot where I left him.

" What happened !?" He asked jolting up as if he were shocked

" I uh fell" I said rubbing my arm which was still cold from the shower

"In the shower?" He paused" With your clothes on?"

" I don't know what I was doing" I said quietly " I was wondering if we could go to the store to get some more" Cole's eyebrow shot straight up as If a question

" I don't think that's a good idea" he said looking me right in the eyes.

" I'm pretty sure you didn't bring my wardrobe it's the least you can do" I Said giving him a small smile .

"I'm pretty sure there was a souvenir gas station shop down the hill"

" Thanks" I could feel myself blush

"Awww you're blushing " He said his voice changing dramatically " You stay here I'll go buy you one"

"Can I go with you?" I said rushing out the words I felt his eyes squint as if he was trying to find a hidden clue

" Why you're all wet...?"

"Oh um I needed other feminine products" I stared at him knowing something had to break.

" I have no shame" He said smirking

" I need specific ones" I paused " Besides it'll be like a mini road trip" I could tell he liked that idea

" Okay fine but you have to take a towel in the car" His laugh began to disgust me. You know that one teen idol laugh that makes the star struck fans swoon.

  Sitting on a towel in Cole's car made me feel we had just gone out swimming in some local lake. I bet the people watching us drive down to the gas station thought we were some happy couple that played around a lot I kept a serious glare to hint at them otherwise. The thing was it was almost three in the morning so I knew for a  fact I wouldn't get help form some sympathetic mother who likes sticking her nose in other people's business.

We pulled up to the shop Cole was describing earlier. The neon sign that encouraged us to walk into the Twenty-four hour store the chime rang from above as we walked inside. The man behind the counter had a name tag that said KYLE. He looked like one of those retired bikers that was forced to leave his dangerous lifestyle behind. He eyed me suspiciously as I quickly directed my attention elsewhere. Cole led me to the rack of t-shirts that were full of sayings you could only find in a gas station. I pretended to search through but I occasionally glanced back at Kyle. Cole held up a light purple shirt that said: " Keep Calm and Visit Mr.Jones' souvenir shop again!"

"This will look cute on you " He said catching my attention " You're like a medium right?"

"I prefer large" I said glancing back at Kyle but he was too busy staring at some magazine to pay any attention to me"

" But they don't have any more in large darling" He said through gritted teeth

" I'll go look for some pants and the um products" I said stepping away from the rack and closer to the cashier. I picked up a box of tampons just for show and walked closer to the counter just my luck there were a pair of leggings where my safety lies. Looking directly at the pair of leggings I tried to signal the man.

" Excuse me sir" I said my voice barely audible. His glare shifted from the models to me

" I kinda hel--"

"Found one!" Cole said loudly behind my shoulder which made me yelp like a little puppy

" Isn't she just a cutie" He said and proceeded to tugging on my left cheek. Kyle didn't say anything but just smiled " What were you saying you needed help with angel?"

" Oh I was.. I was going to ask if they had underwear here" I said looking down at the leggings.

" Yeah they were in that section you picked those from" Kyle said pointing at the box of tampons.

"Oh of course" I smiled

" You should hurry and go get it" Cole smiled at me then back at Kyle. I waled toward the aisle

" What are you two doing out so late" Kyle asked beginning to scan the items

" Oh you know the young life stuff" He laughed "Honestly I pushed her into the pool and Missy here forgot to pack a change of clothes" He pulled that cute boy routine too many times this hour.

" Oh so you two are love birds?"

" Of course" he said nearly cutting him off

"Well... that's sweet..that'll be $35.95 including the underwear" He said motioning towards me

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